Depression And Mental Health Problem

Up to 12 million Americans suffer from heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in America and the risk is increased by other factors such as poor diet, smoking, alcohol, obesity and hypertension. With regard to depression is concerned about anyone can suffer from depression, both male and female. There is a relationship between depression and heart disease. Doctors understand that people with depression are at greater risk of developing heart disease. In fact, depression is a risk factor for heart disease as smoking and poor diet. On the other hand, people with heart disease are also at high risk of falling into a depression. The specific symptoms associated with depression.

People with depression lack of interest in the sport once enjoyed or games or social activities. They are always sadness, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness and pessimism. Depression also results in feelings of tiredness, fatigue and severe loss of energy or effort to accomplish something. Other effects of depression than heart disease include loss of appetite changes.In compound and weight America estimated that 1 in 20 adults suffer from depression each year. 1 in 3 people are those who have survived a heart attack. The medical community specializing in the disease of depression and heart, particularly notes that depression interferes with an individual's heart rate increases blood pressure and alter blood clotting. They may also be responsible for high cholesterol and insulin.

general fear among doctors is that in most cases are not diagnosed or undetected depression. It is also the existence of advanced technologies and ways to cope with the disease. She is particularly worried that friends and family members, including physicians may confuse the signs and symptoms of the disease assuming they are an integral part of heart disease, which has a boyfriend.

This means, in essence, the signs and symptoms of depression may overlap with those of heart disease. People with heart disease are designed to eat healthily. This includes the benefits of eating fruits, the consumption of fruits and vegetables grow. There is a concern when patients heart disease who are depressed are not able to eat the way they should maintain a healthy heart. In short, it can only be understood in the context in which depression is a condition that is considered serious consequences including the inability to function in daily life. It affects the thoughts and feelings of individuals.


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