Cure Depression And Anxiety With Acupuncture
by Depression Treatment
Anxiety and depression are diseases of the New Age, which literally part of our lives. The lives of people suffering from anxiety and depression is a burden. Their minds are filled with fear and full of negative thoughts. They are not able to manage stress or focus on the assigned work properly due to lack of interest, and some people even show suicidal tendencies. However, a glimmer of hope appears for them in the form of acupuncture that can help them deal effectively with mental illness.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been practiced for over 2,000 years in China, is a unique way to treat various diseases. This treatment is based on the theory that all living beings have mentioned that vital energy (chi) which flows smoothly into the body through meridians or channels called meridians. However, when there are disruptions in the flow of chi properly, can trigger a variety of physical and mental problems. Acupuncture therapy is to regulate the flow of chi in the body get rid of diseases.
This form of treatment uses fine needles, instead of medicine to cure the disease. treatment methodology requires a series of needle pricks at certain locations on the skin. Inserting fine needles at specific points on the body, helps to normalize the flow of vital energy (chi) and restores energy balance. In other words, body piercing needles to stimulate the free flow of "chi", which reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. Believe it or not, there are over 2,000 acupuncture points, but those located on the chest, wrists and acupuncture points of the scalp are treated for depression. To learn more about acupuncture to treat depression.
Acupuncture for depression and anxiety
Although there are medications such as antidepressants available to treat these disorders, side effects that may significantly affect the mental and physical health are a concern. In addition, prolonged use of these drugs, it is certainly possible. However, Chinese acupuncture for depression and other emotional disorders can be very effective and is a much better option than prescription drugs.
Acupuncture for depression: A randomized controlled trial
To determine whether acupuncture is an effective therapy for treating depression, about 150 patients were divided into three groups. One group received acupuncture treatment, which was designed specifically to treat mental depression. The second group was placed on the general acupuncture therapy, not necessarily the target symptoms of depression, while the last group received no treatment. After a period of 8 weeks, the acupuncture group first known treatment of specific depressive disorders showed a significant improvement in mental health than those who received acupuncture treatment not specific. This clearly indicates that the use of acupuncture without the contribution of antidepressant treatment is sufficient to reduce symptoms of depression.
Acupuncture for Major Depressive Disorder
When it comes to treating major depressive disorder (MDD), acupuncture is not effective and should be used in combination with other conventional treatments such as medication and psychotherapy.
Acupuncture for anxiety
Acupuncture is a powerful remedy to relieve anxiety. Anxiety before attending an interview or give a review is obviously important. However, unnecessarily worrying the whole time is a symptom of anxiety disorder that can be treated by acupuncture. Panic attacks or generalized anxiety disorder can certainly be put under control by using acupuncture techniques.
To learn more about acupuncture, please see:
Acupuncture for pregnancy MigrainesAcupuncture
Acupuncture for back pain
More importantly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also approved the use of acupuncture for depression and other emotional problems like anxiety and stress. Indeed, studies show that acupuncture can relieve your mind of stress, a calming effect and contribute to depression and stress management and anxiety.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been practiced for over 2,000 years in China, is a unique way to treat various diseases. This treatment is based on the theory that all living beings have mentioned that vital energy (chi) which flows smoothly into the body through meridians or channels called meridians. However, when there are disruptions in the flow of chi properly, can trigger a variety of physical and mental problems. Acupuncture therapy is to regulate the flow of chi in the body get rid of diseases.
This form of treatment uses fine needles, instead of medicine to cure the disease. treatment methodology requires a series of needle pricks at certain locations on the skin. Inserting fine needles at specific points on the body, helps to normalize the flow of vital energy (chi) and restores energy balance. In other words, body piercing needles to stimulate the free flow of "chi", which reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. Believe it or not, there are over 2,000 acupuncture points, but those located on the chest, wrists and acupuncture points of the scalp are treated for depression. To learn more about acupuncture to treat depression.
Acupuncture for depression and anxiety
Although there are medications such as antidepressants available to treat these disorders, side effects that may significantly affect the mental and physical health are a concern. In addition, prolonged use of these drugs, it is certainly possible. However, Chinese acupuncture for depression and other emotional disorders can be very effective and is a much better option than prescription drugs.
Acupuncture for depression: A randomized controlled trial
To determine whether acupuncture is an effective therapy for treating depression, about 150 patients were divided into three groups. One group received acupuncture treatment, which was designed specifically to treat mental depression. The second group was placed on the general acupuncture therapy, not necessarily the target symptoms of depression, while the last group received no treatment. After a period of 8 weeks, the acupuncture group first known treatment of specific depressive disorders showed a significant improvement in mental health than those who received acupuncture treatment not specific. This clearly indicates that the use of acupuncture without the contribution of antidepressant treatment is sufficient to reduce symptoms of depression.
Acupuncture for Major Depressive Disorder
When it comes to treating major depressive disorder (MDD), acupuncture is not effective and should be used in combination with other conventional treatments such as medication and psychotherapy.
Acupuncture for anxiety
Acupuncture is a powerful remedy to relieve anxiety. Anxiety before attending an interview or give a review is obviously important. However, unnecessarily worrying the whole time is a symptom of anxiety disorder that can be treated by acupuncture. Panic attacks or generalized anxiety disorder can certainly be put under control by using acupuncture techniques.
To learn more about acupuncture, please see:
Acupuncture for pregnancy MigrainesAcupuncture
Acupuncture for back pain
More importantly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also approved the use of acupuncture for depression and other emotional problems like anxiety and stress. Indeed, studies show that acupuncture can relieve your mind of stress, a calming effect and contribute to depression and stress management and anxiety.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
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