Acupuncture And Depression
by Depression Treatment
Acupuncture, traditional Chinese therapy which involves inserting the stems of these fine, threadlike specific points on the human body. The term acupuncture is derived from the Latin acus, meaning needle and bags, the stitching direction. This has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times, and it seems it goes back to the Stone Age. However, scientific research to determine the effectiveness of this therapy began in the second half of the 20th century. The conclusions of these studies have been controversial.
According to traditional Chinese medical treatment, acupuncture points are located on the meridians that channel the flow of vital energy called qi or chi. acupuncture treatment was approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for over twenty conditions, including depression, but in many others, is cautious in the fight against the use of Acupuncture, which means that only meaningful and convincing evidence was not found.
Acupuncture for depression
Depression, mental or emotional state may be a disease or syndrome. There may be many factors that lead to depression, some of which include lack, malnutrition, hormones, heredity, emotional stress and disease. Sometimes you may also be adapted to particular situations such as certain diseases, where the propensity to induce depression and still contribute to the recovery. However, severe depression can lead to stressful conditions that affect the normal functions of social work and other important individuals.
Depression is usually treated with anti-depressants. But prolonged use of these drugs can cause many side effects, for which researchers are seeking alternative medicines or herbal medicines. Many believe that traditional Chinese therapy of acupuncture can be helpful in the fight against the causes of depression. Therapy is to activate the central nervous system (CNS), which in turn, releases certain chemicals to promote the healing energy of the physical body.
Some research has shown that acupuncture can induce the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones that can change the brain chemistry. Low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is found to be associated with anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, etc., which can lead to depression. The philosophy of acupuncture is that the imbalance between the body and mind is the main cause of many illnesses, including depression. Thus, therapy is based on restoring the critical balance between body and mind.
In acupuncture, the target areas for the insertion of needles are filiform twelve major nerve tracts or pamphlets, called meridians and eight minor or less important nerve pathways. Nearly 2,000 pressure points are assumed to be present along the major and minor nerve pathways. All these points are considered as channels through which power is transmitted to different parts of the body. Thus, various diseases or conditions requiring the use of different specific points.
Many experiments have demonstrated the positive effects of acupuncture in patients suffering from depression, with a significant reduction in their symptoms. A special study was conducted on 34 women depressants, which were divided into three groups. The first group received acupuncture treatment specifically designed for their symptoms, while the second group received a general treatment. The third group was put on hold. The results of this study was a significant reduction of symptoms in the first group, against the second group.
To summarize, the therapy of acupuncture is to empower the agency to manage stress and anxiety by regulating the flow channel the vital energy of qi energy. Many healthcare providers are recommended as well as regular use of medications for depression, while others believe it is only suitable for mild to moderate depression. In addition, its effectiveness appears to be enhanced when used with herbal treatments and psychotherapy. However, more conclusive studies are required to impose as a real alternative to anti-depressants to treat depression.
According to traditional Chinese medical treatment, acupuncture points are located on the meridians that channel the flow of vital energy called qi or chi. acupuncture treatment was approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for over twenty conditions, including depression, but in many others, is cautious in the fight against the use of Acupuncture, which means that only meaningful and convincing evidence was not found.
Acupuncture for depression
Depression, mental or emotional state may be a disease or syndrome. There may be many factors that lead to depression, some of which include lack, malnutrition, hormones, heredity, emotional stress and disease. Sometimes you may also be adapted to particular situations such as certain diseases, where the propensity to induce depression and still contribute to the recovery. However, severe depression can lead to stressful conditions that affect the normal functions of social work and other important individuals.
Depression is usually treated with anti-depressants. But prolonged use of these drugs can cause many side effects, for which researchers are seeking alternative medicines or herbal medicines. Many believe that traditional Chinese therapy of acupuncture can be helpful in the fight against the causes of depression. Therapy is to activate the central nervous system (CNS), which in turn, releases certain chemicals to promote the healing energy of the physical body.
Some research has shown that acupuncture can induce the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones that can change the brain chemistry. Low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is found to be associated with anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, etc., which can lead to depression. The philosophy of acupuncture is that the imbalance between the body and mind is the main cause of many illnesses, including depression. Thus, therapy is based on restoring the critical balance between body and mind.
In acupuncture, the target areas for the insertion of needles are filiform twelve major nerve tracts or pamphlets, called meridians and eight minor or less important nerve pathways. Nearly 2,000 pressure points are assumed to be present along the major and minor nerve pathways. All these points are considered as channels through which power is transmitted to different parts of the body. Thus, various diseases or conditions requiring the use of different specific points.
Many experiments have demonstrated the positive effects of acupuncture in patients suffering from depression, with a significant reduction in their symptoms. A special study was conducted on 34 women depressants, which were divided into three groups. The first group received acupuncture treatment specifically designed for their symptoms, while the second group received a general treatment. The third group was put on hold. The results of this study was a significant reduction of symptoms in the first group, against the second group.
To summarize, the therapy of acupuncture is to empower the agency to manage stress and anxiety by regulating the flow channel the vital energy of qi energy. Many healthcare providers are recommended as well as regular use of medications for depression, while others believe it is only suitable for mild to moderate depression. In addition, its effectiveness appears to be enhanced when used with herbal treatments and psychotherapy. However, more conclusive studies are required to impose as a real alternative to anti-depressants to treat depression.
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