Reasons For Depression

It is a matter of serious concern that the number of people suffering from mental depression is increasing worldwide in geometric progression. World Health Organization (WHO) also expressed, apprehension in his report on the issue recently. Although seemingly harmless, but depression gives rise to food many physical and mental. This affects not only personal and family life of the patient, but also a threat to the country and the nation as a whole. Take a look into the reasons for stress and remedies that can help fight against this problem.

Reasons for depression: -

Man is a social animal - Social stirring often helps reduce tension and create a pleasant atmosphere in society and personal life. Feelings of rivalry, comparing the official position or assets and the wealth of its neighbors must not give a place in our minds that this will lead to envy and finally blood.

Competition in daily life - work schedule today and occupied rat race of competition career, especially for professionals and office workers to convert them with psychiatric disorders as a victim of stress .

Family friendly atmosphere --- A study reveals that the main cause of stress in many cases traces back to wake the family. mental development of a person depends primarily on the family atmosphere. If family harmony and peace is disturbed, the child grows and develops feelings of insecurity among the harsh and inflexible nature. In later life, he becomes a voltage personality risk.

gains that the male members of the family bread, faces several obstacles, even in the office, family, children, and several other fronts.

Someone with more pressure in the outside world obviously needed to release tension in the house. However, if the troubled atmosphere in the home creates problems during the life of the person becomes vulnerable to stress and therefore depression develops. Thus, the absence of peace and harmony in the family can be attributed as one of the main factors of depression.

The feelings of neglect "That is particularly true for the elderly. Be detached from the business hub, as the main anchor of the family's hand this time, they feel alone and neglected in society when their time is provided by family members.

--- Joint Agreement between the partners in life plays an important role in maintaining balance in the family. If this is not any ego clash or misunderstanding between the two, leading to an imbalance of power. One or both may be more successful in their field, but the most important idea should be to tolerate each other and to sacrifice for your partner. Cooperation must prevail, not competition.

Women and men against women are more prone to depression because of the very different stages of hormonal interference in life. This is not serious hormonal imbalance during adolescence and during delivery. Again during menopause, the physical structure and mental health is affected, and the result appears in the form of tension and depression.

Study of stress-related and career - it became a common phenomenon for children and students. Since the beginning of the school life of children are drawn into the arena of fierce competition. To meet the soaring expectations of parents, students are forced to abandon their illegitimate children. A feeling of fear and distrust of the performance is implanted in their minds, which in many cases, converted into a child suffering from mental disorders.

The disease is a risk: - More people build depression and nervous breakdown because of the emergence of diseases like cancer, fear, etc.

After diagnosis, common symptoms are emitting signals indicating the presence of disease risk.

1. Behavior change in-kind someone gets stiff, unwavering and irritating.
2. Sometimes the person can not tolerate noise or laughter.
3. Reduced sleep
3. A social man slowly converted exceptionally quiet
4. Avoid or entertainment company, prefers to stay alone.
5. The reduction for sex
6. He feels hopeless and helpless.
7. raises questions about the need to live.

Remedy A person affected should be assisted with the utmost compassion, every effort should be made to understand the reason for this depression. Children should not be argued, however, their problem must be solved first. A sympathetic attitude with the appropriate response factor responsible for the eradication works miracles. For girls, the tracks sometimes because their childhood, even on the physical and hormonal changes. Sometimes they feel unsecured even after marriage. Another study of family history of depressive illness, if someone was here earlier in the family can help the recovery, processing, and thus the patient. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy followed by an adviser may be required to provide a better result.

male member of the family, especially the bread used should always planning money. Work should be planned to avoid the rush and stress. Relaxation is essential to always be a segment separately for relaxation, listening to music or be engaged in an activity favored choice, which can bring happiness to the mind and soul.

Inculcate the habit of giving the patient to listen to others goes a long way to reduce tension and stress of mind.

Everyone should look to the changing environment and develop the habit of tolerance, so that the behavior of others can not accumulate unnecessary pressure on him.

Exercise helps a lot, it must be practiced daily for a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

Despite all these preventive measures, even if the symptoms persist, the advice of a therapist can be started at the earliest. The problem should be given due importance at the beginning and never be avoided.


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