How To Treat Depression With Herbs

Encarta ® World English Dictionary defines "abandon" as follows: "To leave someone or something behind for others to look after, especially somebody or something to be a personal responsibility."

As adults, our own wellbeing is our personal responsibility.

Do you abandon yourself, instead making others responsible for you, then feel abandoned by others when you leave or do not assume any responsibility for you?

In adulthood, a person can not abandon you, because they are not responsible for you. We can not abandon a child, a sick or an elderly person - someone who can not take care of themselves. But if you're physically healthy adults, may be left, but can not be abandoned by others. Only you can let go.

Which means you could be dropped?

Judging up

How often you judge yourself with comments such as:

"You're not good enough." "You are inadequate."
"You're stupid." "You're an idiot."
"You're ugly." "You're not attractive enough."
"If you do not agree."
"If someone rejects you, you are not good."
"It's your fault ...."
"Not for nothing You're a failure .. You do not reach your full potential. "

... And so on.

As a small child feels alone and abandoned when a parent is tough and Judgement, as our own inner child feels alone and abandoned when you judge. self-determination does not only create feelings of loneliness and emptiness, but also creates feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, grief, fear, guilt and shame. So what do you do when you tried it and created all these painful feelings?

Ignoring your feelings

When you feel lonely, empty, anxiety, depression, hurt, angry, jealous, sad, fear, guilt or shame - what are you doing? Did you participate in your feelings, to discover what you say or do to provoke them? Or do you prevent a form of addictive behavior, using food, alcohol, drugs, nicotine, TV, work, shopping, internet, sex, anger, guilt, and so avoid them?

When you ignore your feelings and addictive behavior instead turn you surrender again. Once you've abandoned this project is very common for self-abandonment and feel abandoned by God or others. However, as an adult in good physical health, sense of abandonment is caused by you, like most of your other painful feelings are caused by you.

Other decisions you are responsible for

Once you hear and ignore the pain they have caused, it is likely that you turn to others for love and approval that does not reach you. Your inner child - the feeling of belonging to you - love needs, approval and attention. When you go to your self-judgments and ignore your feelings hurt child becomes part of your love for others than you need. As some of you children desperately need love, I'll probably be handling for the love - getting angry and blame, or become too good and consistent, and try to do everything well. You teach your child to other inland away for adoption, hoping another person that you love so desperately need. You become addicted to approval, attention and / or sex.

Can make others responsible for you give love, attention and approval that you need more of your inner child feels abandoned, leading to a more addictive behavior to fill the gap and avoid pain self-surrender.

way out of this is to begin to pay attention to your feelings - to attract attention inside your body instead of always focusing on. When you feel sick, see what you think and this is the cause of your pain. painful feelings that come from your thoughts are interior route guidance system that lets you know what I think is not true, and is not in your best.

Ask most of you, "What is truth?" Notice how you feel, when you participate in your feelings and tell you the truth, rather than judging you, ignore you, and make others responsible for your feelings.


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