Overcome Depression Now

If you are experiencing severe stress or anxiety, depression, can be found with a healthcare professional to find relief. Unfortunately, most patients will be told a big lie about the cause of their suffering is down to "chemical imbalances in the brain, particularly serotonin levels depleted. There are serious gaps in this look a little more far to explain why this is completely absurd.

Perhaps the biggest fault with the price because of the depressive illness is a chemical imbalance. The question is: What comes first imbalances or emotional problems? If you look at someone who has just been said about the sudden death of a loved one and falling into depression, we can see that there is no chemical imbalance come first, it's sad news that triggered the crisis. If there are chemical imbalances, then you can see clearly came after the news and are a single symptom.

What exactly is a chemical imbalance in the brain? I mean how are the cause? Say you eat a sumptuous dinner of five courses consisting of the best food, will suffer from an imbalance? I say get some good news - a raise, promotion, proposal, an invitation to a party - if you feel happy about these things, it is also a chemical imbalance?

Imbalances are given as the cause of depressive illness, but what about times when they were completely satisfied with your life? Was it because you had too much serotonin in the brain and if so, that means you've been sick for so long? Certainly not. So as you can when you're happy, is not a disease, but when you're depressed? And at what level are chemicals balanced - or when we feel happy or sad? It just does not make sense.

Any questions about what happens after a course of antidepressants is also high. Antidepressants are used to correct the chemical imbalance by increasing serotonin levels. Thus, when the balance is restored and the pain stops taking the drugs, it will happen again imbalance? So this means that a patient must remain on medication for life or is no evidence that based on stress, depression or anxiety. If a patient experiencing pain, torment will end a drug? What if the imbalance is causing the pain?

chemical imbalance theory is too simple, too general, and has no evidence to support a cause of stress, depression or anxiety. The case is far from this theory is flawed in various ways, dangerous thinking that could be addressed very effectively, and naturally, without interfering with the delicate chemical levels in the brain.


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