Vagus Nerve Stimulation For Depression

Depression is not an easy disorder to deal with it is chronic and requires long-term therapy to deal with. The disease mainly affects the way a person thinks and behaves. It not only affects a person's emotional side of life, but also creates turbulence and physical health. Some of the most common symptoms of depression include a constant feeling of sadness or discouragement, loss of interest in many activities, decreased libido, lack of sleep or excessive sleep, restlessness, difficulty thinking, to concentrate, fatigue, suicidal thoughts, crying for no apparent reason and physical problems such as backaches and headaches. There are many other symptoms, such as, but they happen to be the most common. Entry to treatment, among the many treatment options available to deal with problems, nerve stimulation (VNS) is that used by the experts. This involves the generation of electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain in an attempt to relieve the symptoms of depression. More about this below.

Vagus nerve stimulation for depression

This therapy is relatively new in medical science and is used to treat and relieve the symptoms of chronic depression, where the remaining methods of treatment have not received a positive response.

The name of this treatment is a nerve on each side, which is known as "the vagus nerve. On this nerve network is connected from the brain stem, which extends to the neck and right chest and abdominal area.

So how does the process work? This pulse generator, also known as a vagus nerve stimulator is surgically implanted in his chest. The device is powered by a battery. Then, a wire that connects the generator is connected to the left vagus nerve in the neck. This wire is threaded under the skin. Stimulating the vagus nerve is a time when the generator starts to send short bursts of electricity to the brain, the vagus nerve as a means of communication. These signals influence part of the brain that is involved in controlling mood of that person, to relieve symptoms of depression.

Vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy

What we lost was mentioned about the above, this therapy is also used to treat a disorder known as epilepsy, as well. The condition results in recurrent crises. Although no specific causes have been identified, it is assumed that the results provided to abnormal activity in the brain. Common symptoms include temporary state of confusion, staring at something far away for a while, shaky movements of limbs, and in some cases, a state of complete unconsciousness.

So even in this case, when all treatment options are not good, the vagus nerve stimulation therapy is shown in the picture. The procedure is the same as what happens in depression. Most cases have shown that using this method has reduced seizure frequency of 30-40%.

So what was the use of vagus nerve stimulation to treat depression and epilepsy. We conclude with a brief article on some of the most common reactions among patients who might come, after being treated by the procedure.

Vaguely side effects nerve stimulation

Side effects occur with the surgical procedure is necessary to implant the pulse generator in the chest, and generate electrical impulses in the brain.

Breathing Problems
Pain at the incision site
Possible vocal cord paralysis
Heart problems
Healing site operated
Pulse Generation
Changes in voice (appearing in 50% of cases)
Difficulty breathing
Pain in the neck and throat
Swallowing Problems
Tingling, burning sensation or
I hope you found this information on VNS important and informative. If you want to take a little more information about the same, when you see the books, or better, seek help from medical experts.


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