Alcohol And Depression
by Depression Treatment
Alcoholism is one of the biggest problems in today's world. many people in the world today seem to be addicted to alcohol. Alcohol is considered fairly consistent pattern of people in most countries of the world and moderate consumption of alcohol has no health threat. But when a person begins to drink large quantities of alcohol, resulting in health, social issues and more. In most cases, I confess, that alcoholics are addicted to alcohol, to get rid of depression. How is this true? Let's take a look.
Alcohol and depression
Depression is a condition most common in the world and is experienced by a person more than once in his life. However, very few people seem to be able to cope with depression. On the other hand, alcohol drives the mood of the person and also to feel better temporarily. In addition, alcohol-induced sleep longer necessary for people suffering from depression. Therefore, most of them depend on alcohol to overcome depression. However, most people are unaware that our bodies are rapidly developing tolerance for alcohol. This makes the amount of alcohol people drink more, and finally it becomes an addict. What are the effects of depression on alcohol.
On the other hand, alcohol is also said to have a depressing effect on a person. This may seem contradictory, but people consume large quantities of alcohol suffer from bouts of depression and loss of self control. Therefore, it is noted that the problems of alcohol and depression go hand in hand that can lead to serious consequences. For once, a depressed and alcoholic who is deprived of the inhibition of any kind and take risks without knowing it. Second, depression often leads to thoughts of suicide in people who can not be controlled under the influence of alcohol. More social work and financial problems also arise due to alcoholism and depression. To learn more about depression drugs and alcohol.
Alcohol and treatment of depression
Alcohol and symptoms of depression include loss of appetite, insomnia and lack of energy. Initially, it is difficult for a person to know if he suffers from depression or alcohol. However, if he feels guilty about the consumption of alcohol per day, or strong drink when they are depressed or overly stressed, it is definitely depressed alcoholic. It is very important to get this condition treated as soon as possible to avoid further complications and health risks. Alcohol and depression include the use of different methods to remedy this situation. Counseling is the best method of treating alcoholic depression. There are also different from alcohol and drugs that help treat the symptoms of depression and withdrawal from the hangover. However, they must know that there is no specific drug that makes a person avoid alcohol. Only the power of a person and support of family and friends, that helps a person overcome depression alcohol. On the other hand, each person should realize that alcoholism is not a treatment or cure for depression and, therefore, should stay away from him. There are several remedies for depression herbal, which are very useful and effective in treating depression while.
Learn more about:
Depression Treatment
Handling Depression
Alcoholism drug therapy
Remember that there are several ways to get rid of anger, frustration and depression, alcohol and others. Remember, alcohol and depression, if untreated, can be a life-threatening condition. It is always advisable to talk to family members or relatives, or just get professional help for depression, rather than put lives in danger!
Alcohol and depression
Depression is a condition most common in the world and is experienced by a person more than once in his life. However, very few people seem to be able to cope with depression. On the other hand, alcohol drives the mood of the person and also to feel better temporarily. In addition, alcohol-induced sleep longer necessary for people suffering from depression. Therefore, most of them depend on alcohol to overcome depression. However, most people are unaware that our bodies are rapidly developing tolerance for alcohol. This makes the amount of alcohol people drink more, and finally it becomes an addict. What are the effects of depression on alcohol.
On the other hand, alcohol is also said to have a depressing effect on a person. This may seem contradictory, but people consume large quantities of alcohol suffer from bouts of depression and loss of self control. Therefore, it is noted that the problems of alcohol and depression go hand in hand that can lead to serious consequences. For once, a depressed and alcoholic who is deprived of the inhibition of any kind and take risks without knowing it. Second, depression often leads to thoughts of suicide in people who can not be controlled under the influence of alcohol. More social work and financial problems also arise due to alcoholism and depression. To learn more about depression drugs and alcohol.
Alcohol and treatment of depression
Alcohol and symptoms of depression include loss of appetite, insomnia and lack of energy. Initially, it is difficult for a person to know if he suffers from depression or alcohol. However, if he feels guilty about the consumption of alcohol per day, or strong drink when they are depressed or overly stressed, it is definitely depressed alcoholic. It is very important to get this condition treated as soon as possible to avoid further complications and health risks. Alcohol and depression include the use of different methods to remedy this situation. Counseling is the best method of treating alcoholic depression. There are also different from alcohol and drugs that help treat the symptoms of depression and withdrawal from the hangover. However, they must know that there is no specific drug that makes a person avoid alcohol. Only the power of a person and support of family and friends, that helps a person overcome depression alcohol. On the other hand, each person should realize that alcoholism is not a treatment or cure for depression and, therefore, should stay away from him. There are several remedies for depression herbal, which are very useful and effective in treating depression while.
Learn more about:
Depression Treatment
Handling Depression
Alcoholism drug therapy
Remember that there are several ways to get rid of anger, frustration and depression, alcohol and others. Remember, alcohol and depression, if untreated, can be a life-threatening condition. It is always advisable to talk to family members or relatives, or just get professional help for depression, rather than put lives in danger!
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
What To Do When Depressed
by Depression Treatment
Most of us feel low at some point or another, and there is usually a good reason for it. Among the various reasons for depression are illness, loneliness, unhappy news of a friend or loved one, hormonal changes or even early winter. Although depression is an illness that requires treatment, if you find your drooping spirits, sometimes there are a number of measures to encourage. If you are being treated for depression, these methods can complement the efforts of drugs against depression. To beat the blues, you need to take action, which may be a bit of a challenge when you feel depressed and do nothing. However, once you overcome this obstacle, the rest becomes easier. One way to work through this disaster is being set small goals. answer to what to do when you are depressed below.
Tips on what to do when depressed
Support is one of the most important tools to get you out of depression. For many, depression is difficult to reach for help, but you should know that isolation and loneliness depression worse. You may need to push you to do, but the phone and call a friend or relative. One of the best things to do when you feel down is to leave the house and meet a friend. If you can not do this, a phone call from a friend / friend be the first step, and make sure you tell people that you live, even if it is difficult to explain. Do not be overcome by the fear of what they believe, because you obviously care. If you do not know who to talk when you're depressed, finding members of a counselor, therapist or clergy
While support of his family and friends is a great help, it is a social activity. If you feel small meeting and spending time with friends can do wonders for your morale. It is a good distraction for a few hours and may leave you feeling better, even after the meeting ended. If you think that friends used to understand, then join a support group for depression. For many it is an ideal solution, because you are around those who have the same problem. In fact, this could be the one to encourage and support each other.
Another important step is to take care of you. This includes doing things you love, be realistic about how many things you can do, accept help and lead a healthy life. At this stage, when nothing seems funny, try your hand at something you love, like painting and sports. If you like the outdoors, go fishing or hiking for the day. Something simple, like movies and music can also do the trick.
The best movies to watch when feeling depressed are pleased that the comedy will make you laugh and lighten your spirits, such as "Ice Age I". The best songs and music to listen to when depressed, the air happy. There are always some songs that bring a smile to your face. Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" is one of my happy songs. Make sure you catch at least eight hours of shut eye, get some sun by day and include a leisure activity. Some mood lifting activities are spending time in nature, taking a long bath, hot, play with your pet and make a list of all the things you like about yourself.
Read about:
Overcoming Depression
How to fight against depression
Coping with anxiety and depression
I hope you now know what to do when depressed. Although daily exercise, healthy eating and try to be as positive are important steps on your road to recovery, care of the needs of others can also help. Get involved in volunteer work, which will benefit people, animals or the environment.
Tips on what to do when depressed
Support is one of the most important tools to get you out of depression. For many, depression is difficult to reach for help, but you should know that isolation and loneliness depression worse. You may need to push you to do, but the phone and call a friend or relative. One of the best things to do when you feel down is to leave the house and meet a friend. If you can not do this, a phone call from a friend / friend be the first step, and make sure you tell people that you live, even if it is difficult to explain. Do not be overcome by the fear of what they believe, because you obviously care. If you do not know who to talk when you're depressed, finding members of a counselor, therapist or clergy
While support of his family and friends is a great help, it is a social activity. If you feel small meeting and spending time with friends can do wonders for your morale. It is a good distraction for a few hours and may leave you feeling better, even after the meeting ended. If you think that friends used to understand, then join a support group for depression. For many it is an ideal solution, because you are around those who have the same problem. In fact, this could be the one to encourage and support each other.
Another important step is to take care of you. This includes doing things you love, be realistic about how many things you can do, accept help and lead a healthy life. At this stage, when nothing seems funny, try your hand at something you love, like painting and sports. If you like the outdoors, go fishing or hiking for the day. Something simple, like movies and music can also do the trick.
The best movies to watch when feeling depressed are pleased that the comedy will make you laugh and lighten your spirits, such as "Ice Age I". The best songs and music to listen to when depressed, the air happy. There are always some songs that bring a smile to your face. Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" is one of my happy songs. Make sure you catch at least eight hours of shut eye, get some sun by day and include a leisure activity. Some mood lifting activities are spending time in nature, taking a long bath, hot, play with your pet and make a list of all the things you like about yourself.
Read about:
Overcoming Depression
How to fight against depression
Coping with anxiety and depression
I hope you now know what to do when depressed. Although daily exercise, healthy eating and try to be as positive are important steps on your road to recovery, care of the needs of others can also help. Get involved in volunteer work, which will benefit people, animals or the environment.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Etiology Of Depression
by Depression Treatment
"I'm depressed!" - How often and how random use that term to describe "the sordid state of affairs" our. It is important to understand that symptoms of depression can easily turn into a serious condition called clinical depression, requiring medication and therapy. It is a condition faced by people belonging to all age groups, from children to adolescents, adults, middle-aged and older due to a combination of different conditions, which can be physical, psychological or environmental. To help us better understand the etiology of this condition or other causes of depression are presented here, which result in different symptoms of depression.
What is the etiology of depression
The causes or etiology of depression, there are various factors which include physiological, psychological and environmental factors. The etiology of depression has been divided according to these factors.
physiological etiology of depression
Physiological causes that contribute to this condition are:
biochemical imbalance
When there is a chemical imbalance in the body, especially the results of a lack of neurotransmitters, it can lead to depression. This is a complete biological condition. Even if a hormonal imbalance, as a place to delivery may lead to depression. This is called postpartum depression.
A symptom of other physical problems
Depression can occur as a symptom of other physiological problems, such as the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, menopause, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypothyroidism. However, if this is a case of clinical depression, it should not be considered a symptom of a physical problem and seek help immediately.
Genetic engineering:
In some cases, depression is a state that is in the genes, although the study of genes that causes depression is not complete. However, it is not true that if a family member suffering from depression, and you will certainly suffer, but it is still a question.
Studies have shown that women are more prone to depression, rather than men. Thus, gender is also partly responsible for this disease.
Fight against drugs
Several people alcohol and drug abuse, to eliminate the symptoms of depression are experienced. However, they do not realize is that one of the main symptoms of depression is withdrawal of these substances. As such, drug abuse contributes to depression again.
nutrient deficiency
In many cases, lack of nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin B-12 lead to the development of depression.
The addition of several drugs can cause or exacerbate depression in people. Medications such as sleeping pills, pills to control blood pressure and birth control pills are contributing to this condition. Even drugs to control anxiety sometimes leads to depression.
psychological etiology of depression
The psychological causes that contribute to this condition are:
Personality Traits
People who have certain personality traits such as pessimism, low self-esteem, anxiety or excessive worrying hypersensitivity, fear of rejection, a sense of isolation of the superiority or inferiority complexes and other are prone to depression, feelings of inadequacy. Some people are very dependent on others to meet their emotional needs. This leads them to develop high expectations for these individuals. When these people are not able to meet these expectations, is the natural result of depression caused by low self-esteem and respect for themselves.
Irrational Thought Process
Because of errors in thinking that people develop as themselves responsible for their misfortune, and misconstrued the facts in a way that will further reduce self-esteem, which may be a step towards depression. These trials and the error of thinking leads them to believe that their future will be perceived as negative as their presence, resulting in depression.
Learned helplessness
People are starting to think that they are unable to control their environment and situation, assuming they are designed to cope with all the unfortunate events in their lives, and to adjust their minds to such a thought. This train of thought which leads them to believe that there is nothing I can do to change their situation, so they do not seek to do so. As such, this leads to pessimism, depression and apathy, and thereafter.
Among several health problems that are caused by stress, depression is one of them. prolonged emotional and physical stress eventually leads to depression, you feel helpless in an effort to cope.
Although obesity is a physical state, results in several other physiological problems, its psychological impact can be devastating for some. Pressure to look good and easy to fit in, "lead to a downward spiral, people's self-image and ultimately ends in depression. This case is especially depression that prevails among children and adolescents. Depression can also occur in children or adolescents who are extremely thin and weak.
etiology of depression of the environment
A variety of environmental causes and circumstances, also contribute to depression. They are as follows:
Losing loved ones
Losing a loved one, especially at a young age is a cause of depression. It could be the death of a parent or a divorce that forces a child to experience such a loss. Women also face the empty nest syndrome in middle age, when their children move and go to college, leading them to believe they have nothing to hope for. Deep emotional attachment to the beloved, not easy to allow people to move.
Perceived failure
When people believe they have failed in all areas of life, as in a relationship, a job, or poor academic achievement among students, it leads to depression. The inability to achieve a particular goal, they set up, it causes anxiety, which leads to depression. Although in some cases, people tend to set high goals or objectives that are impossible to achieve in a short period of time. It starts to hurt the ego and results in self-hatred.
Social roles and expectations
The pressure at the height of a certain image, and sometimes lack the capacity to do so, often results in depression. Especially in children and adolescents, the pressure to succeed at school, an all-round, and be the perfect son / daughter / brother causes stress, which leads to depression. Depression, especially during adolescence is common and may be the result of anything ranging from a fracture or not do team sports in school.
To cope with depression can have a look at natural remedies against depression and fight depression without drugs.
The final treatment for the etiology of depression is the love and support of relatives. When a depressed person knows there is someone who will stand by him at any time, regardless of the situation, he / she will start to feel better immediately. Of course, care and safety of drugs is essential to deal with extreme depression. However, the magic, which is expressed by love and support, can not be matched by any other form of treatment.
What is the etiology of depression
The causes or etiology of depression, there are various factors which include physiological, psychological and environmental factors. The etiology of depression has been divided according to these factors.
physiological etiology of depression
Physiological causes that contribute to this condition are:
biochemical imbalance
When there is a chemical imbalance in the body, especially the results of a lack of neurotransmitters, it can lead to depression. This is a complete biological condition. Even if a hormonal imbalance, as a place to delivery may lead to depression. This is called postpartum depression.
A symptom of other physical problems
Depression can occur as a symptom of other physiological problems, such as the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, menopause, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypothyroidism. However, if this is a case of clinical depression, it should not be considered a symptom of a physical problem and seek help immediately.
Genetic engineering:
In some cases, depression is a state that is in the genes, although the study of genes that causes depression is not complete. However, it is not true that if a family member suffering from depression, and you will certainly suffer, but it is still a question.
Studies have shown that women are more prone to depression, rather than men. Thus, gender is also partly responsible for this disease.
Fight against drugs
Several people alcohol and drug abuse, to eliminate the symptoms of depression are experienced. However, they do not realize is that one of the main symptoms of depression is withdrawal of these substances. As such, drug abuse contributes to depression again.
nutrient deficiency
In many cases, lack of nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin B-12 lead to the development of depression.
The addition of several drugs can cause or exacerbate depression in people. Medications such as sleeping pills, pills to control blood pressure and birth control pills are contributing to this condition. Even drugs to control anxiety sometimes leads to depression.
psychological etiology of depression
The psychological causes that contribute to this condition are:
Personality Traits
People who have certain personality traits such as pessimism, low self-esteem, anxiety or excessive worrying hypersensitivity, fear of rejection, a sense of isolation of the superiority or inferiority complexes and other are prone to depression, feelings of inadequacy. Some people are very dependent on others to meet their emotional needs. This leads them to develop high expectations for these individuals. When these people are not able to meet these expectations, is the natural result of depression caused by low self-esteem and respect for themselves.
Irrational Thought Process
Because of errors in thinking that people develop as themselves responsible for their misfortune, and misconstrued the facts in a way that will further reduce self-esteem, which may be a step towards depression. These trials and the error of thinking leads them to believe that their future will be perceived as negative as their presence, resulting in depression.
Learned helplessness
People are starting to think that they are unable to control their environment and situation, assuming they are designed to cope with all the unfortunate events in their lives, and to adjust their minds to such a thought. This train of thought which leads them to believe that there is nothing I can do to change their situation, so they do not seek to do so. As such, this leads to pessimism, depression and apathy, and thereafter.
Among several health problems that are caused by stress, depression is one of them. prolonged emotional and physical stress eventually leads to depression, you feel helpless in an effort to cope.
Although obesity is a physical state, results in several other physiological problems, its psychological impact can be devastating for some. Pressure to look good and easy to fit in, "lead to a downward spiral, people's self-image and ultimately ends in depression. This case is especially depression that prevails among children and adolescents. Depression can also occur in children or adolescents who are extremely thin and weak.
etiology of depression of the environment
A variety of environmental causes and circumstances, also contribute to depression. They are as follows:
Losing loved ones
Losing a loved one, especially at a young age is a cause of depression. It could be the death of a parent or a divorce that forces a child to experience such a loss. Women also face the empty nest syndrome in middle age, when their children move and go to college, leading them to believe they have nothing to hope for. Deep emotional attachment to the beloved, not easy to allow people to move.
Perceived failure
When people believe they have failed in all areas of life, as in a relationship, a job, or poor academic achievement among students, it leads to depression. The inability to achieve a particular goal, they set up, it causes anxiety, which leads to depression. Although in some cases, people tend to set high goals or objectives that are impossible to achieve in a short period of time. It starts to hurt the ego and results in self-hatred.
Social roles and expectations
The pressure at the height of a certain image, and sometimes lack the capacity to do so, often results in depression. Especially in children and adolescents, the pressure to succeed at school, an all-round, and be the perfect son / daughter / brother causes stress, which leads to depression. Depression, especially during adolescence is common and may be the result of anything ranging from a fracture or not do team sports in school.
To cope with depression can have a look at natural remedies against depression and fight depression without drugs.
The final treatment for the etiology of depression is the love and support of relatives. When a depressed person knows there is someone who will stand by him at any time, regardless of the situation, he / she will start to feel better immediately. Of course, care and safety of drugs is essential to deal with extreme depression. However, the magic, which is expressed by love and support, can not be matched by any other form of treatment.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Find Why You Are Depressed
by Depression Treatment
"Why am I depressed? Summer thought as she sat playing with her cereal for breakfast table. In the bowl of a spoon of cereal is gone, then scooped some fruit loop wet blind clinical ... and she let him go, milk flows from the spoon in the bowl and plopping pieces again. "Just a loop of May, she thought. "More than pieces of wet chalk ... taste too. "And with that thought, she paused." Oh my God, what a sad thought, why am I depressed today? Then it struck hard on the table spoon and shook his reverie. Jingle provided ruffling the pages of newspapers and questioning his father's words, as if perched above the fold. His eyes spoke to him, saying: "What was? Seem agitated "Et Summer shrugged, a forced smile on his face dry and left the kitchen to go to school. "I'll go today." This, she believed, would they do something good. However, the clouds of depression remained thrown at her, she will soon find out.
The weather was warm outside. wind is soft and made with a smell of summer flowers. A dog alone, followed by the summer of the fence from the front to the street. This morning was very pleasant, but I have not seen the summer. His thoughts followed his return to a foul mood, and she thought: "Why am I always depressed these days?" I still think back, that's what this whole week I told myself why I'm so depressed all the time Who would think that my birthday is tomorrow? And if depression does not disappear quickly, I'll let asks: "Why are depressed on my birthday!" The only thing I look forward to. "
His thoughts continued their journey elbow, she had not been heard of "A-Hoy! Yuhooo !!!", guttural voice of Mrs. Wickham. Mrs. Wickham was examined and found in the backyard with a cup of freshly brewed coffee every morning. A bandana most kept out of gray hair from her face, and eye of Jackie Kennedy-esque was perched above his head. How long remember the summer, Mrs. Wickham was a symbol of turbulence. Without care in the world, and an "I do not care" attitude, lady's no such things as etiquette, jokes and social concerns. Something that has taken place against them often enough in society, but precisely for that boyfriend was. It peaked on the summer last year and went several times to Mrs. Wickham to spend his time.
"Yuhooo! "Made by summer smile. Even more girls turned to see (and comment)" strange woman. "Walk more, was sitting on wicker chair while they cast Mrs. Wickham cup.
"What dear? You do not look so good."
And he went into the dry coating was that fake smile again, but Ms. Wickham fight for it.
"Now, now, I am not sure of that phrase could you tell me honey, see you these days -. Only the expression you wear, as if trying to ask, "Why are all symptoms of depression are depressed and there? Are you depressed honey? "
A long pause was developed so that the word "I do not know Ms. Wickham's what I tried to ask too -?. Why am depressed for no reason "
"Ah. But there is no reason for the summer? Think love Maybe there was something that set this thing about depression. It was not until I ' I saw these days .. not to go ... He Rover to play ball with Timmy .... not shoot you? is the villain in the game? "Coz, you will think:" Why am I depressed before my time "And you should not do that! You're old enough to know! is the hormone that makes your body and will get better with PMS."
And summer, she tried to stop the bombastic Wickham was to define, for any reason because of depression after the summer has been, Ms. Wickham was far away.
"You were drunk darling! Breath? You slipped into alcoholism? Oh! How absurd thought! No, I'm sure you do not. Forget I asked. You never know with kids these days, though. Although ... it seems really something that fits with my husband three more, darling. He drank himself crazy every Saturday night, then enter one of his monologues. He asked, "Why am I depressed after drinking Susan when I really should be happppy ... yyy .. HIC "and I say, alcohol and depression go hand in hand Silly me. Snoring man had long before that. I do not know why I even tried, but look at me running out Go to my mouth again .. so expensive, what is it? "
Finally, she stopped and has been continued to Wickham. "I have no idea Ms. Wickham indeed, it's like I'm stuck on the Monday blues forever."
"We'll be OK. You get out. Probably was not something that you sent this way. Think hard dear. You said something to you Did you lose something special? You ...?"
But the voice of Mrs. Wickham felt as if it came from somewhere in the distance. "You lose something special ... .. someone special something special ..." She remembered now. And the thought that they sent in all its forms ...
school hall and two pairs of legs materialized before his eyes. A couple, naked, and carving, and tangled in it ... A week before the summer took his backpack and left the classroom, she was greeted by an empty corridor. Janitors, saw, ground sterilization at the other end of the corridor. "I wonder where Neil," she said. Neil was usually late in the day. They met for discussion and exchange of the latest music, and books. She began this ritual and would like very much looking forward to it. Neil With her thoughts, she was vaguely aware of anything else on her way to the water fountain for a drink. There, his book of poetry slipped and fell. It stooped to pick it up and when he saw Neil and Leila locking lips against the lockers. His heart pounded in his chest. Then he stopped. Then he went and beat again. She saw his feet tangled and could not view more.
She rushed into the compound and performed with his thousand sounds of gongs struck in the head, and what appeared to be a big cage around his chest. For a moment she could not breathe. But she was forced to take deep drafts of air. Then close all the instincts that could happen, she said she quickly things. "Wow What was it?" I need to see! Can these two find a better place? " Then, irritation and anger crept into "Neil should have at least told me he would not have met me today, before doing this." Then, a little self-pity. "I mean, sure, why would he meet me, they might have. I children, sometimes, of course, coz 'this is what would have happened." He concluded: - Oh, forget that I care what he does ... What they do not even remember what I saw what it was and who I do not know Neil Neil!.?. .... "
And the mind games continued for one week thereafter. That night, she could not sleep. Reading images stored on and in my head. Neil somewhere deep in the folds of the hand Leila curly hair. Leila he leaned back in the summer ... and ended up with a bad feeling gnawing stomach. She went to the window and stared into the garden by moonlight. A dog howled somewhere in the distance, the night wind gently swayed mulberry. And strangely, it did nothing for the summer. A night like this is also called a muse, and poems have been undertaken on the fresh stems of papyrus. But, alas! All summer long thought was: "Why am depressed during the night today? It must be because mom and dad went to visit Nana. Yes, it is necessary. "
The next day at school, the summer has kept for herself. Nothing was said or done Kathy Merle, seemed to help.
"Hey, you've seen today Neil?" Kathy asked.
"How do I know where he is not telling me everything, you know?"
"Bitch OK calm down, I was just curious is all .."
She later said that Neil had to leave Virginia to visit his grandfather, who suffered a paralytic attack of yesterday.
"Neil was pulling net right now." She thought that two days later in the afternoon. Then, quickly reprimanded. She did not think of Neil. He had sent a text message at a time, after leaving Virginia sometimes Saturday. But she could not bring himself to answer. Why not. Or have even convinced that it did not. In the week that was to follow, the summer is slipping more and more depressed. her birthday was four days. And all that believed just how he wanted to be near his room. Close curtains and parcels in the scarf, only to come ... Never! (If it might help).
She had not seen Neil for over a week now, do not even care if he came back ... But that discomfort, that Neil has never been able to not leave her alone. Why was he so bent on making its presence felt in every thing every day? Net school basketball, a collection of poems in his office, the wind by turning the page on it. 244 where he scored he thought it might look like the best ... CD with a song stranger he hoped ... The back of the head of someone who seemed to have done when he brushed his hand ... Neil or gurgling laughter heard at school that day. Wherever he went, what she did, Neil seemed to be in his thoughts. She was tired of pushing her thoughts. She realized she could not do, even if he wanted. She refused to be forced to think mentally, and press, then think again about its presence. And that's what she did last week.
... It was then, and it was now and nothing has changed. Except that she is sitting in Wickham, the summer has been confused with the early onset of all. She was forced to ask, even if she already knew the answer. She was in love with Neil? What else could explain all this? That meant, when she returned her calls and many messages? And there was the thought of him in front of the school after returning from Virginia, has been gnawing at it? And all these thoughts and all these things they remember him. And Leila ... The summer was just the name of the heart curdle. Why is wrong to think and rethink the hallway scene? The explanation finally came, but barely more than she could imagine. Neil did not like her back, she loved Leila. And why should not he. Leila was a catch. She could have had anyone she wanted. And she wanted to Neil. And everybody knows ... what he wanted Leila, Leila has received.
Snap Snap! " Two clicks and the summer was marked again the seat Mrs. Wickham Wicker.
"Oh, I really think you should see a doctor honey, you journey into another world where you really need to learn how to overcome depression dear .. You're pretty sure it will be ok?"
"Yes, Mrs. Wickham, I think ultimately will be .." Been said, and slipped on a smile extra exuberant. And then he whispered: "I need to forget and I'm fine."
"I hope so dear to my heart would break really sad to see you on your birthday .. Go along now or you'll be late for school. Oh, and remember to come for your cake special day later.!. tomorrow, I do not cut your favorite cake (and then in a whisper), with additional rum because you turn 18 tomorrow Shhh ... This will be our little secret would be to cheer you up, oh I know - why not 'Stop the boy, who was dear to his name, Neil? Yes, Neil. Why do not you get too many more still in good spirits when he is with you.? Maybe this will help boost morale .. yes? "
And with that, Ms. Wickham rose from his chair, slipped on his shades and squinted in the sun in the garden. Summer was rooted to the spot on hearing the name of Neil, and then with the legs felt heavy as lead, is dragged to school.
"I heard Neil is back." Kathy Merle said over lunch. Summer almost stalled on the sandwich she ate. Giant behind her, Kathy said: "Yes, and it seems really lost, I I heard he was to ask you would summer. Go see him. "
Summer holidays in a speech of fire "-" Why me why I go to meet him, I do not want to meet him ... I ... ..???" do and stopped when he saw that his speech turned to face - Merle looked as if she had been bitten by a rabid dog and Kathy had a solemn look of one who sees gibberish mouth person themselves.
"What! Been said.
"It was very strange reaction this week all summer like that every time we mention Neil. Is there something wrong with you two! Out? .. Something happened with her, eh ?
And Kathy in common, "Oh, my God, I kiss you never did and now you're all weird about it. And my oh your birthday is tomorrow. We all now ask Neil!"
"No boys, no, you shall do no such thing Neil! And I do not kiss him? Far from it. I do not want to talk. I do not want a party! Leave me alone right? Maybe you? and do not want to see Neil back. "
And to think, the summer rose from his seat and accelerated in the canteen. Students from across the cafeteria looked back. At the end of the cafeteria, near the summer has slipped and would have had a bad fall if someone would have pulled back. Runoff from her eyes, looked up the summer to see Leila. Leila held her by the shoulders and pulled.
"Are you OK summer? What happened? "
"Nothing!" Been said. "I just want to go home now."
"Uh ... OK. "Leila told to drop his arm." Just to make sure you "
As summer turned to leave, Leila said: "Oh BTW, Neil has been a consultant for you, it is clearly in the court."
With tears in his eyes on the cool summer and Leila began: "I never want to see him again Go and tell your friend that I'm surprised he has time to take everything you kisses coming pick me "... and without waiting for anything!, ran from summer school, all the way to the lake.
She came to the lake when she was alone. Water has always been calm. Birds chirped and honeysuckle flower below. She sat on a rock near the surface of the water and stone by stone plop in the water. She does not know how long he was there when a stone hit a puddle of water near the rock and bounced somewhere. "Ow! she heard a loud scream. She turned to see Neil holding his left eye and standing against the big Banyan tree.
"Oh, Lord, I'm so sorry Neil, I wanted to hurt you ... you OK? "
"No, I'm not, why were you ignoring me last week of summer? No text, no message, no call! What have I done? "
Ignoring his remarks, spoke of the summer. "I was questioned over the eyes of Neil. It's OK?"
"Forget the eyes, you, I want to know why you were ignoring me!"
"I do not want to talk about Neil."
And that's been stood up to go. Neil took his elbow and made a stop.
"No, the summer we have a right to know what happened? You can not expect just because you think nothing is up! I did something to hurt you?" Summer has remained tight lipped. "Come the summer, please tell me something. One week, we are almost inseparable, and then you go back and change. I mean, I met Leila, and she said you said ... "
"Stop here Neil What you and your friend is talking about is of no interest to me and I will appreciate if you can not speak, never again!"
"Girlfriend" What If? Leila?
"Oh, sorry this is not your friend, what is it then kiss your partner?. Oh, how ...!" wonderful
"My what? Kissing? What are you talking about summer? What kiss?"
"Oh, please change my drama and Neil did not need his disbelief surprised if God, as you say, someone thinks kissed Leila!"
(Spluttering!): "What! When I kiss Leila What say you? "
"OK, you want to play this game? OK I saw. I'll Neil. Seen Friday night, you were with her in the hallway! All over each other. So stop this room right now. I am tired of it ...! "
"Friday, when?"
"Oh, a direct result of Neil Nearly locker! Hand through his hair tangled around his legs! At 17!"
"17 But I ... No? .. How ?..."
... And then I realized that the achievement and Neil fell to the ground laughing. He rolled on the grass and held her stomach.
In summer there, first with confusion, and as time went on and did not stop Neil with anger more than she could imagine. Finally, he turned to him and began to walk away. She went there not ten steps ahead when Neil came and stood before her, barring his path.
And put a smile rascal had no idea, he said, "OK, first at 17, I was in Virginia with my grandfather ..."
"How is that possible! I saw? .. You wear this shirt ..."
"... And secondly, you saw was Pete kisses Leila. Pete borrowed my shirt on Friday morning due to a leak had ink on that So no, I did not kiss Leila .. " (Then go to a playful tone) "And although I have been, what is bothering you so much?
Relief on the face of summer gives way to full peace and the voice was very animated and a minute ago, went into no more than a squeaky whisper, "I did not bother me. .. . only ... "
"Angry ... I tell you?" Neil has finished what she started.
"Uh .. yes."
And mischievous smile playing on his lips and eyes again, he said, "OK, so I do not care if I kissed Leila, then I'm sure Ms. Wickham lied about homelessness around you with a "To Why am I depressed," the expression of every week and I'm sure And you had no trouble sleeping either, and something about yourself to look like someone one died is just my imagination.? "
start immediately hands over her hair, the summer escape: "I ... I ... what do you say you said Mrs. Wickham? Where did you say! "
"I do not know what the summer I tried to talk to you all day. I realized that I have avoided the plague. Then Kathy and Robin told me about the fiasco in the cafeteria. Then she ran into Leila and I've talked to thought we kissed I can not. I knew what to do. I have looked everywhere for you and what you found. So I went to your house and your mother told me there had I met there. Mrs. Wickham outside and she told me all about your condition. And I knew you'd be there. So here I am ... You tell me what bothers you kiss my Leila so much? "
Flushed half embarrassed, half and really starting to feel the wave of emotions washed all, summer has turned and started walking in a false anger. Backing him, she tried desperately to control playback smile to his lips ... He knew!
"I've missed you too, you know to the point of going," they are depressed? (And yet, the summer)
"Expect the summer! As the poem on the page that I scored 22 .. ...?"
"22 ..!!" They both said simultaneously.
"I scored for a reason ... (And then run behind him) "Summer! God you soon! Please slow you down? Fine. You want to say out loud?" (And the catch is in vain)
"The summer OK, if that's what you want! ... "
Neil poem then fished in his pockets and produced a document written by Robert Burn it, then clearing his voice, he began in his deep baritone:
"Oh, my love is like a red rose,
It recently published in June
Oh, my love is like a song
It is sweet to play fair.
As specific as you, my pretty girl
I am deeply in love,
And I love you always, my dear,
Until all the seas run dry.
Until all the seas run dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt with the sun!
Oh, I love you always, my dear,
While the sands of life run.
And keep well, my only love
And you load a good time!
And I will, my love
Although there have been ten thousand miles! "
When Neil finished the last line and looked up. Summer stood before him with a teasing smile.
"You're dead so I told everyone at school!"
"You would not do that." Neil and tells him off, and kissed her neck and kissed him gently. Then he said: "Who would believe it anyway?"
Glowing like a thousand Splendid Suns, was closely hugged. "Neil smell of honeysuckle."
"It's a good thing?"
"Uh huh"
"And you feel like you're about to be 18 years ... Call Leila for the party, then?"
"Leila!" And then? "It hit square in the stomach.
"Oh What! We seem too Pete!
.... No. The summer is not necessary, "Why am depressed?", May
The weather was warm outside. wind is soft and made with a smell of summer flowers. A dog alone, followed by the summer of the fence from the front to the street. This morning was very pleasant, but I have not seen the summer. His thoughts followed his return to a foul mood, and she thought: "Why am I always depressed these days?" I still think back, that's what this whole week I told myself why I'm so depressed all the time Who would think that my birthday is tomorrow? And if depression does not disappear quickly, I'll let asks: "Why are depressed on my birthday!" The only thing I look forward to. "
His thoughts continued their journey elbow, she had not been heard of "A-Hoy! Yuhooo !!!", guttural voice of Mrs. Wickham. Mrs. Wickham was examined and found in the backyard with a cup of freshly brewed coffee every morning. A bandana most kept out of gray hair from her face, and eye of Jackie Kennedy-esque was perched above his head. How long remember the summer, Mrs. Wickham was a symbol of turbulence. Without care in the world, and an "I do not care" attitude, lady's no such things as etiquette, jokes and social concerns. Something that has taken place against them often enough in society, but precisely for that boyfriend was. It peaked on the summer last year and went several times to Mrs. Wickham to spend his time.
"Yuhooo! "Made by summer smile. Even more girls turned to see (and comment)" strange woman. "Walk more, was sitting on wicker chair while they cast Mrs. Wickham cup.
"What dear? You do not look so good."
And he went into the dry coating was that fake smile again, but Ms. Wickham fight for it.
"Now, now, I am not sure of that phrase could you tell me honey, see you these days -. Only the expression you wear, as if trying to ask, "Why are all symptoms of depression are depressed and there? Are you depressed honey? "
A long pause was developed so that the word "I do not know Ms. Wickham's what I tried to ask too -?. Why am depressed for no reason "
"Ah. But there is no reason for the summer? Think love Maybe there was something that set this thing about depression. It was not until I ' I saw these days .. not to go ... He Rover to play ball with Timmy .... not shoot you? is the villain in the game? "Coz, you will think:" Why am I depressed before my time "And you should not do that! You're old enough to know! is the hormone that makes your body and will get better with PMS."
And summer, she tried to stop the bombastic Wickham was to define, for any reason because of depression after the summer has been, Ms. Wickham was far away.
"You were drunk darling! Breath? You slipped into alcoholism? Oh! How absurd thought! No, I'm sure you do not. Forget I asked. You never know with kids these days, though. Although ... it seems really something that fits with my husband three more, darling. He drank himself crazy every Saturday night, then enter one of his monologues. He asked, "Why am I depressed after drinking Susan when I really should be happppy ... yyy .. HIC "and I say, alcohol and depression go hand in hand Silly me. Snoring man had long before that. I do not know why I even tried, but look at me running out Go to my mouth again .. so expensive, what is it? "
Finally, she stopped and has been continued to Wickham. "I have no idea Ms. Wickham indeed, it's like I'm stuck on the Monday blues forever."
"We'll be OK. You get out. Probably was not something that you sent this way. Think hard dear. You said something to you Did you lose something special? You ...?"
But the voice of Mrs. Wickham felt as if it came from somewhere in the distance. "You lose something special ... .. someone special something special ..." She remembered now. And the thought that they sent in all its forms ...
school hall and two pairs of legs materialized before his eyes. A couple, naked, and carving, and tangled in it ... A week before the summer took his backpack and left the classroom, she was greeted by an empty corridor. Janitors, saw, ground sterilization at the other end of the corridor. "I wonder where Neil," she said. Neil was usually late in the day. They met for discussion and exchange of the latest music, and books. She began this ritual and would like very much looking forward to it. Neil With her thoughts, she was vaguely aware of anything else on her way to the water fountain for a drink. There, his book of poetry slipped and fell. It stooped to pick it up and when he saw Neil and Leila locking lips against the lockers. His heart pounded in his chest. Then he stopped. Then he went and beat again. She saw his feet tangled and could not view more.
She rushed into the compound and performed with his thousand sounds of gongs struck in the head, and what appeared to be a big cage around his chest. For a moment she could not breathe. But she was forced to take deep drafts of air. Then close all the instincts that could happen, she said she quickly things. "Wow What was it?" I need to see! Can these two find a better place? " Then, irritation and anger crept into "Neil should have at least told me he would not have met me today, before doing this." Then, a little self-pity. "I mean, sure, why would he meet me, they might have. I children, sometimes, of course, coz 'this is what would have happened." He concluded: - Oh, forget that I care what he does ... What they do not even remember what I saw what it was and who I do not know Neil Neil!.?. .... "
And the mind games continued for one week thereafter. That night, she could not sleep. Reading images stored on and in my head. Neil somewhere deep in the folds of the hand Leila curly hair. Leila he leaned back in the summer ... and ended up with a bad feeling gnawing stomach. She went to the window and stared into the garden by moonlight. A dog howled somewhere in the distance, the night wind gently swayed mulberry. And strangely, it did nothing for the summer. A night like this is also called a muse, and poems have been undertaken on the fresh stems of papyrus. But, alas! All summer long thought was: "Why am depressed during the night today? It must be because mom and dad went to visit Nana. Yes, it is necessary. "
The next day at school, the summer has kept for herself. Nothing was said or done Kathy Merle, seemed to help.
"Hey, you've seen today Neil?" Kathy asked.
"How do I know where he is not telling me everything, you know?"
"Bitch OK calm down, I was just curious is all .."
She later said that Neil had to leave Virginia to visit his grandfather, who suffered a paralytic attack of yesterday.
"Neil was pulling net right now." She thought that two days later in the afternoon. Then, quickly reprimanded. She did not think of Neil. He had sent a text message at a time, after leaving Virginia sometimes Saturday. But she could not bring himself to answer. Why not. Or have even convinced that it did not. In the week that was to follow, the summer is slipping more and more depressed. her birthday was four days. And all that believed just how he wanted to be near his room. Close curtains and parcels in the scarf, only to come ... Never! (If it might help).
She had not seen Neil for over a week now, do not even care if he came back ... But that discomfort, that Neil has never been able to not leave her alone. Why was he so bent on making its presence felt in every thing every day? Net school basketball, a collection of poems in his office, the wind by turning the page on it. 244 where he scored he thought it might look like the best ... CD with a song stranger he hoped ... The back of the head of someone who seemed to have done when he brushed his hand ... Neil or gurgling laughter heard at school that day. Wherever he went, what she did, Neil seemed to be in his thoughts. She was tired of pushing her thoughts. She realized she could not do, even if he wanted. She refused to be forced to think mentally, and press, then think again about its presence. And that's what she did last week.
... It was then, and it was now and nothing has changed. Except that she is sitting in Wickham, the summer has been confused with the early onset of all. She was forced to ask, even if she already knew the answer. She was in love with Neil? What else could explain all this? That meant, when she returned her calls and many messages? And there was the thought of him in front of the school after returning from Virginia, has been gnawing at it? And all these thoughts and all these things they remember him. And Leila ... The summer was just the name of the heart curdle. Why is wrong to think and rethink the hallway scene? The explanation finally came, but barely more than she could imagine. Neil did not like her back, she loved Leila. And why should not he. Leila was a catch. She could have had anyone she wanted. And she wanted to Neil. And everybody knows ... what he wanted Leila, Leila has received.
Snap Snap! " Two clicks and the summer was marked again the seat Mrs. Wickham Wicker.
"Oh, I really think you should see a doctor honey, you journey into another world where you really need to learn how to overcome depression dear .. You're pretty sure it will be ok?"
"Yes, Mrs. Wickham, I think ultimately will be .." Been said, and slipped on a smile extra exuberant. And then he whispered: "I need to forget and I'm fine."
"I hope so dear to my heart would break really sad to see you on your birthday .. Go along now or you'll be late for school. Oh, and remember to come for your cake special day later.!. tomorrow, I do not cut your favorite cake (and then in a whisper), with additional rum because you turn 18 tomorrow Shhh ... This will be our little secret would be to cheer you up, oh I know - why not 'Stop the boy, who was dear to his name, Neil? Yes, Neil. Why do not you get too many more still in good spirits when he is with you.? Maybe this will help boost morale .. yes? "
And with that, Ms. Wickham rose from his chair, slipped on his shades and squinted in the sun in the garden. Summer was rooted to the spot on hearing the name of Neil, and then with the legs felt heavy as lead, is dragged to school.
"I heard Neil is back." Kathy Merle said over lunch. Summer almost stalled on the sandwich she ate. Giant behind her, Kathy said: "Yes, and it seems really lost, I I heard he was to ask you would summer. Go see him. "
Summer holidays in a speech of fire "-" Why me why I go to meet him, I do not want to meet him ... I ... ..???" do and stopped when he saw that his speech turned to face - Merle looked as if she had been bitten by a rabid dog and Kathy had a solemn look of one who sees gibberish mouth person themselves.
"What! Been said.
"It was very strange reaction this week all summer like that every time we mention Neil. Is there something wrong with you two! Out? .. Something happened with her, eh ?
And Kathy in common, "Oh, my God, I kiss you never did and now you're all weird about it. And my oh your birthday is tomorrow. We all now ask Neil!"
"No boys, no, you shall do no such thing Neil! And I do not kiss him? Far from it. I do not want to talk. I do not want a party! Leave me alone right? Maybe you? and do not want to see Neil back. "
And to think, the summer rose from his seat and accelerated in the canteen. Students from across the cafeteria looked back. At the end of the cafeteria, near the summer has slipped and would have had a bad fall if someone would have pulled back. Runoff from her eyes, looked up the summer to see Leila. Leila held her by the shoulders and pulled.
"Are you OK summer? What happened? "
"Nothing!" Been said. "I just want to go home now."
"Uh ... OK. "Leila told to drop his arm." Just to make sure you "
As summer turned to leave, Leila said: "Oh BTW, Neil has been a consultant for you, it is clearly in the court."
With tears in his eyes on the cool summer and Leila began: "I never want to see him again Go and tell your friend that I'm surprised he has time to take everything you kisses coming pick me "... and without waiting for anything!, ran from summer school, all the way to the lake.
She came to the lake when she was alone. Water has always been calm. Birds chirped and honeysuckle flower below. She sat on a rock near the surface of the water and stone by stone plop in the water. She does not know how long he was there when a stone hit a puddle of water near the rock and bounced somewhere. "Ow! she heard a loud scream. She turned to see Neil holding his left eye and standing against the big Banyan tree.
"Oh, Lord, I'm so sorry Neil, I wanted to hurt you ... you OK? "
"No, I'm not, why were you ignoring me last week of summer? No text, no message, no call! What have I done? "
Ignoring his remarks, spoke of the summer. "I was questioned over the eyes of Neil. It's OK?"
"Forget the eyes, you, I want to know why you were ignoring me!"
"I do not want to talk about Neil."
And that's been stood up to go. Neil took his elbow and made a stop.
"No, the summer we have a right to know what happened? You can not expect just because you think nothing is up! I did something to hurt you?" Summer has remained tight lipped. "Come the summer, please tell me something. One week, we are almost inseparable, and then you go back and change. I mean, I met Leila, and she said you said ... "
"Stop here Neil What you and your friend is talking about is of no interest to me and I will appreciate if you can not speak, never again!"
"Girlfriend" What If? Leila?
"Oh, sorry this is not your friend, what is it then kiss your partner?. Oh, how ...!" wonderful
"My what? Kissing? What are you talking about summer? What kiss?"
"Oh, please change my drama and Neil did not need his disbelief surprised if God, as you say, someone thinks kissed Leila!"
(Spluttering!): "What! When I kiss Leila What say you? "
"OK, you want to play this game? OK I saw. I'll Neil. Seen Friday night, you were with her in the hallway! All over each other. So stop this room right now. I am tired of it ...! "
"Friday, when?"
"Oh, a direct result of Neil Nearly locker! Hand through his hair tangled around his legs! At 17!"
"17 But I ... No? .. How ?..."
... And then I realized that the achievement and Neil fell to the ground laughing. He rolled on the grass and held her stomach.
In summer there, first with confusion, and as time went on and did not stop Neil with anger more than she could imagine. Finally, he turned to him and began to walk away. She went there not ten steps ahead when Neil came and stood before her, barring his path.
And put a smile rascal had no idea, he said, "OK, first at 17, I was in Virginia with my grandfather ..."
"How is that possible! I saw? .. You wear this shirt ..."
"... And secondly, you saw was Pete kisses Leila. Pete borrowed my shirt on Friday morning due to a leak had ink on that So no, I did not kiss Leila .. " (Then go to a playful tone) "And although I have been, what is bothering you so much?
Relief on the face of summer gives way to full peace and the voice was very animated and a minute ago, went into no more than a squeaky whisper, "I did not bother me. .. . only ... "
"Angry ... I tell you?" Neil has finished what she started.
"Uh .. yes."
And mischievous smile playing on his lips and eyes again, he said, "OK, so I do not care if I kissed Leila, then I'm sure Ms. Wickham lied about homelessness around you with a "To Why am I depressed," the expression of every week and I'm sure And you had no trouble sleeping either, and something about yourself to look like someone one died is just my imagination.? "
start immediately hands over her hair, the summer escape: "I ... I ... what do you say you said Mrs. Wickham? Where did you say! "
"I do not know what the summer I tried to talk to you all day. I realized that I have avoided the plague. Then Kathy and Robin told me about the fiasco in the cafeteria. Then she ran into Leila and I've talked to thought we kissed I can not. I knew what to do. I have looked everywhere for you and what you found. So I went to your house and your mother told me there had I met there. Mrs. Wickham outside and she told me all about your condition. And I knew you'd be there. So here I am ... You tell me what bothers you kiss my Leila so much? "
Flushed half embarrassed, half and really starting to feel the wave of emotions washed all, summer has turned and started walking in a false anger. Backing him, she tried desperately to control playback smile to his lips ... He knew!
"I've missed you too, you know to the point of going," they are depressed? (And yet, the summer)
"Expect the summer! As the poem on the page that I scored 22 .. ...?"
"22 ..!!" They both said simultaneously.
"I scored for a reason ... (And then run behind him) "Summer! God you soon! Please slow you down? Fine. You want to say out loud?" (And the catch is in vain)
"The summer OK, if that's what you want! ... "
Neil poem then fished in his pockets and produced a document written by Robert Burn it, then clearing his voice, he began in his deep baritone:
"Oh, my love is like a red rose,
It recently published in June
Oh, my love is like a song
It is sweet to play fair.
As specific as you, my pretty girl
I am deeply in love,
And I love you always, my dear,
Until all the seas run dry.
Until all the seas run dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt with the sun!
Oh, I love you always, my dear,
While the sands of life run.
And keep well, my only love
And you load a good time!
And I will, my love
Although there have been ten thousand miles! "
When Neil finished the last line and looked up. Summer stood before him with a teasing smile.
"You're dead so I told everyone at school!"
"You would not do that." Neil and tells him off, and kissed her neck and kissed him gently. Then he said: "Who would believe it anyway?"
Glowing like a thousand Splendid Suns, was closely hugged. "Neil smell of honeysuckle."
"It's a good thing?"
"Uh huh"
"And you feel like you're about to be 18 years ... Call Leila for the party, then?"
"Leila!" And then? "It hit square in the stomach.
"Oh What! We seem too Pete!
.... No. The summer is not necessary, "Why am depressed?", May
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Is Alcohol A Depressant - Depressant For Depression
by Depression Treatment
Alcohol is a hydroxyl compound, where the hydroxyl functional group is attached to a carbon atom. refers to alcoholic beverages liquor containing alcohol. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced by fermentation of fruits, vegetables and some cereals. Fermentation is a process by which bacteria or yeast is used for the distribution of sugars in these foods, alcohol. Alcohol is produced in one of the most popular drinks and as a psychoactive drug which produces a depressant effect on the brain or central nervous system. Thus, alcohol is a depressant how they affect the brain or nervous system? Before knowing the answer to these questions and see exactly what is a depressant and depressant effects.
What is a depressant?
A depression is a psychoactive drug, because it can affect mood and perception, acting on the central nervous system. A depressant is a substance that slows or inhibits the functions of the central nervous system, which in turn relaxes the body and mind. In other words, depressants are drugs that produce central nervous system depressant, and this, either by inhibiting the brain's ability to produce chemical stimulation, by imitation or chemicals that produce a sedative effect. Depressants are used in many medical problems, including anxiety, epilepsy and sleep disorders. But often, these substances are abused by many of the world.
depressants recreation drug abuse that can occur in several health problems. In the short term, may have impaired cognitive abilities, reflexes slow, slurred speech, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating and movement of the motor impaired, when a large dose of depressant is taken. A very large dose of depression, also affects the ability to maintain balance and coordination, in addition to causing blurred vision. pressing long-term abuse can cause addiction and withdrawal can cause sudden severe symptoms. When used for an extended period of time, depressants can cause respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, and finally coma. permanent damage to vital organs like the liver, kidneys, heart and brain may also occur overexploitation prolonged depressing.
Alcohol is a depressant or antidepressant
Alcohol is a depressant, not an antidepressant. Antidepressants are drugs that are commonly used to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety and mood by affecting certain levels of neurotransmitters or correction in the brain. Alcohol certainly can not be used for these purposes. It affects the brain much like other depressants such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and benzodiazepines. In small doses, alcohol can help relax your body and mind. But in high doses, it can be a significant change in brain activity. You can practically massages inhibit the transmission of the brain, which can lead to cognitive impairment and altered perception.
Excessive alcohol consumption causes a temporary state of intoxication, which can occur in slurred speech, loss of balance and coordination, confusion, disorientation, blurred vision and slower reaction times and slow reflexes. All this resembles the effects of depressants, and due to the fact that alcohol slows the central nervous system also, like other depressants. By pressing, alcohol abuse can cause long-term addiction or alcoholism, and affect vital organs like the liver, kidneys and heart, as well as create relationship problems. Alcoholism is also associated with many psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and personality disorders. Currently, the moderate consumption of alcohol is supposed to offer a range of health benefits, which is still somewhat controversial. Learn more about alcohol dependence and alcohol rehabilitation.
alcohol intoxication on the other hand, can occur when a person consumes a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. Alcohol poisoning can cause vomiting, slow or irregular breathing, stupor, unconsciousness, blood sugar, and sometimes even convulsions and death. abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption after prolonged use may cause tremors, insomnia, anxiety and seizures, which are the most common symptoms of withdrawal. In summary, alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system, which can cause serious health problems if not used for an extended period. I hope this article on "Alcohol is a depressant" was able to answer some common questions about alcohol consumption and its effects on health and well-being.
What is a depressant?
A depression is a psychoactive drug, because it can affect mood and perception, acting on the central nervous system. A depressant is a substance that slows or inhibits the functions of the central nervous system, which in turn relaxes the body and mind. In other words, depressants are drugs that produce central nervous system depressant, and this, either by inhibiting the brain's ability to produce chemical stimulation, by imitation or chemicals that produce a sedative effect. Depressants are used in many medical problems, including anxiety, epilepsy and sleep disorders. But often, these substances are abused by many of the world.
depressants recreation drug abuse that can occur in several health problems. In the short term, may have impaired cognitive abilities, reflexes slow, slurred speech, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating and movement of the motor impaired, when a large dose of depressant is taken. A very large dose of depression, also affects the ability to maintain balance and coordination, in addition to causing blurred vision. pressing long-term abuse can cause addiction and withdrawal can cause sudden severe symptoms. When used for an extended period of time, depressants can cause respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, and finally coma. permanent damage to vital organs like the liver, kidneys, heart and brain may also occur overexploitation prolonged depressing.
Alcohol is a depressant or antidepressant
Alcohol is a depressant, not an antidepressant. Antidepressants are drugs that are commonly used to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety and mood by affecting certain levels of neurotransmitters or correction in the brain. Alcohol certainly can not be used for these purposes. It affects the brain much like other depressants such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and benzodiazepines. In small doses, alcohol can help relax your body and mind. But in high doses, it can be a significant change in brain activity. You can practically massages inhibit the transmission of the brain, which can lead to cognitive impairment and altered perception.
Excessive alcohol consumption causes a temporary state of intoxication, which can occur in slurred speech, loss of balance and coordination, confusion, disorientation, blurred vision and slower reaction times and slow reflexes. All this resembles the effects of depressants, and due to the fact that alcohol slows the central nervous system also, like other depressants. By pressing, alcohol abuse can cause long-term addiction or alcoholism, and affect vital organs like the liver, kidneys and heart, as well as create relationship problems. Alcoholism is also associated with many psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and personality disorders. Currently, the moderate consumption of alcohol is supposed to offer a range of health benefits, which is still somewhat controversial. Learn more about alcohol dependence and alcohol rehabilitation.
alcohol intoxication on the other hand, can occur when a person consumes a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. Alcohol poisoning can cause vomiting, slow or irregular breathing, stupor, unconsciousness, blood sugar, and sometimes even convulsions and death. abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption after prolonged use may cause tremors, insomnia, anxiety and seizures, which are the most common symptoms of withdrawal. In summary, alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system, which can cause serious health problems if not used for an extended period. I hope this article on "Alcohol is a depressant" was able to answer some common questions about alcohol consumption and its effects on health and well-being.
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Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Meditation Techniques For Depression
by Depression Treatment
Your mind is extremely powerful and only you can help keep depression and anxiety at bay. If you've been depressed for a period of time, I am sure you will agree that your thoughts determine your mood and emotions. meditation on depression are involved in the control and relaxed mind active.
Whenever you suffer from anxiety or depression, a series of negative thoughts occupy your mind constantly. You've probably noticed, the more negative thoughts cloud your mind, you feel bad and, therefore, becomes a habit. This depression is worsening. I know that you can avoid all this stress has become an invariable element of modern life. But you can counter the negative effects of depression by learning the different techniques of meditation and relaxation response evokes a state of deep sleep, which is the opposite extreme stress response. Meditation can help you rejuvenate your mind and train your subconscious to focus only on positive things. You can start your day with a meditation ritual to help you gain focus and clarity that you just put in a better mood. Meditation for depression act to relieve stress.
Meditation techniques for depression
Here are some examples of different meditation techniques.
Yoga Meditation: Yoga is mostly regarded as a set of exercises you do on a mat in the special class, but do not know that every part of your daily routine can become a yoga practice? Yoga big secret is that you should not change from day to day, yoga teaches you to edit and control your attention and awareness that you bring to these activities.
Soham Meditation: The oldest language, Sanskrit, "So" is the term for the sound of breath inhalation and exhalation is assigned term "ham". These two terms are joined to form the word 'Soham, "which can be translated exactly as" I am. " When you practice meditation technique Soham, you actually remember God, which means that with every breath you take, you bow to pray or worship God or the projection of God. By focusing on your breathing helps you gain focus and clarity.
Buddhist Meditation: After practicing Buddhist meditation, we learn that it is possible to watch even physical discomfort and strong emotions like fear and anger, without pain. Therefore you acknowledge that you react to information and the link you disturb them. Pleasant or unpleasant things will affect you, because it has no power, as long as you remain detached. You have to look simply appear and disappear on their own. It is when we cling to this, hoping to continue or wish to postpone unpleasant, expect to die, they suffer and lose our composure and innate freedom.
Vipassana Meditation: As with other types of meditation, Vipassana meditation, the idea is to have the ability to observe the world and its surroundings, since it really is, without a trial. Vipassana meditation will show you the way to transformation by observation. You are required to comply with particular mind-body connection. Observation itself is provided in the exercise of Vipassana. Siri Dharma group based in Kaufman, Texas, said, "great attention and care of her physical sensations and how they interact with the mind can optionally" dissolve "the impurity can lead to mental health and" Nirvana " or "freedom from all suffering."
Third Eye Meditation: "Be quiet, be careful and let the light themselves to you," is the technique followed in the third eye meditation. While using this technique, the conscience more open to be filled with light, several layers coating is peeled off and "Now" (truth and reality) will be revealed. When you begin to perceive the truth or the secret of this universe, you'll realize you've been misled into believing that external influences are a separate part of the universe. This type of meditation will help open the third eye with which you will be able to perceive the wonders of the universe. You understand that you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you. Rattling in your mind will eventually disappear on the transcendent beauty of light and love is now you will always be there.
How to meditate on anxiety and depression Tackle
Meditation involves just sitting in a quiet place for 10-15 minutes, breathing deeply and rhythmically, while concentrating on your breathing. Meditation is nothing but train your mind to relax.
Early morning is the best time for meditation, the body and mind, both are cool. You can try later in the evening if the morning is not appropriate.
Sit or lie on a mat (which is comfortable for you), in a park and close their eyes.
Concentrate on your breathing, focusing on the sensation of movement in the air and into the nostrils and lungs. Focus on the belly, that goes up and down while breathing.
Just feel the air enter the nostrils and leave your mouth. Notice how each change is blowing.
Concentrate on your breathing rhythm helps clear your mind and you need to relax. Remember, it takes practice so do not be discouraged if you initially have difficulty concentrating.
It is possible that you start thinking about something else. Just look at those thoughts, without judging and simply return to the breath again. Do not give up, it will be easier to do this more often.
Meditation for about 5-10 minutes and open your eyes.
If you feel relaxed, it means you have to practice it. Keep practicing until you feel your mind relaxing. Believe me, it will be a little more to do.
Meditation can help you respond to conflict in a more loving and caring and can help, too, agree more strongly. We all know that drugs cause side effects severe depression. In addition, anxiety and depression leads to health risks that may affect the quality of life. depression meditation techniques can reduce stress and tension and helps people relax more dynamic. Meditation is a mysterious process, but strongly, leading to deep inner peace and happiness.
Whenever you suffer from anxiety or depression, a series of negative thoughts occupy your mind constantly. You've probably noticed, the more negative thoughts cloud your mind, you feel bad and, therefore, becomes a habit. This depression is worsening. I know that you can avoid all this stress has become an invariable element of modern life. But you can counter the negative effects of depression by learning the different techniques of meditation and relaxation response evokes a state of deep sleep, which is the opposite extreme stress response. Meditation can help you rejuvenate your mind and train your subconscious to focus only on positive things. You can start your day with a meditation ritual to help you gain focus and clarity that you just put in a better mood. Meditation for depression act to relieve stress.
Meditation techniques for depression
Here are some examples of different meditation techniques.
Yoga Meditation: Yoga is mostly regarded as a set of exercises you do on a mat in the special class, but do not know that every part of your daily routine can become a yoga practice? Yoga big secret is that you should not change from day to day, yoga teaches you to edit and control your attention and awareness that you bring to these activities.
Soham Meditation: The oldest language, Sanskrit, "So" is the term for the sound of breath inhalation and exhalation is assigned term "ham". These two terms are joined to form the word 'Soham, "which can be translated exactly as" I am. " When you practice meditation technique Soham, you actually remember God, which means that with every breath you take, you bow to pray or worship God or the projection of God. By focusing on your breathing helps you gain focus and clarity.
Buddhist Meditation: After practicing Buddhist meditation, we learn that it is possible to watch even physical discomfort and strong emotions like fear and anger, without pain. Therefore you acknowledge that you react to information and the link you disturb them. Pleasant or unpleasant things will affect you, because it has no power, as long as you remain detached. You have to look simply appear and disappear on their own. It is when we cling to this, hoping to continue or wish to postpone unpleasant, expect to die, they suffer and lose our composure and innate freedom.
Vipassana Meditation: As with other types of meditation, Vipassana meditation, the idea is to have the ability to observe the world and its surroundings, since it really is, without a trial. Vipassana meditation will show you the way to transformation by observation. You are required to comply with particular mind-body connection. Observation itself is provided in the exercise of Vipassana. Siri Dharma group based in Kaufman, Texas, said, "great attention and care of her physical sensations and how they interact with the mind can optionally" dissolve "the impurity can lead to mental health and" Nirvana " or "freedom from all suffering."
Third Eye Meditation: "Be quiet, be careful and let the light themselves to you," is the technique followed in the third eye meditation. While using this technique, the conscience more open to be filled with light, several layers coating is peeled off and "Now" (truth and reality) will be revealed. When you begin to perceive the truth or the secret of this universe, you'll realize you've been misled into believing that external influences are a separate part of the universe. This type of meditation will help open the third eye with which you will be able to perceive the wonders of the universe. You understand that you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you. Rattling in your mind will eventually disappear on the transcendent beauty of light and love is now you will always be there.
How to meditate on anxiety and depression Tackle
Meditation involves just sitting in a quiet place for 10-15 minutes, breathing deeply and rhythmically, while concentrating on your breathing. Meditation is nothing but train your mind to relax.
Early morning is the best time for meditation, the body and mind, both are cool. You can try later in the evening if the morning is not appropriate.
Sit or lie on a mat (which is comfortable for you), in a park and close their eyes.
Concentrate on your breathing, focusing on the sensation of movement in the air and into the nostrils and lungs. Focus on the belly, that goes up and down while breathing.
Just feel the air enter the nostrils and leave your mouth. Notice how each change is blowing.
Concentrate on your breathing rhythm helps clear your mind and you need to relax. Remember, it takes practice so do not be discouraged if you initially have difficulty concentrating.
It is possible that you start thinking about something else. Just look at those thoughts, without judging and simply return to the breath again. Do not give up, it will be easier to do this more often.
Meditation for about 5-10 minutes and open your eyes.
If you feel relaxed, it means you have to practice it. Keep practicing until you feel your mind relaxing. Believe me, it will be a little more to do.
Meditation can help you respond to conflict in a more loving and caring and can help, too, agree more strongly. We all know that drugs cause side effects severe depression. In addition, anxiety and depression leads to health risks that may affect the quality of life. depression meditation techniques can reduce stress and tension and helps people relax more dynamic. Meditation is a mysterious process, but strongly, leading to deep inner peace and happiness.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Depression And Loneliness
by Depression Treatment
Psychologically, loneliness is described as a feeling which is usually known people and animals. This is a very strong feeling of emptiness and loneliness that leads to other emotions such as unknown and unimportant. They can run one in the dark tones of depression and can lead to many psychological and emotional breakdowns. There are several reasons for loneliness and depression and each of their individual effects on the person who swallows. Loneliness is something that everyone faces at one time or another, but instead of going to the victim that she should be able to fight. People who suffer from loneliness end often depressed and antisocial. They are difficult to trust, love and others who want to help. Written below are some of the causes and how to get yourself or someone else who suffers from loneliness and depression.
The causes of loneliness and depression
There are many causes of depression that no matter how we remain in good physical health, emotional health can not ignore that we face. Loneliness and depression knows no boundaries of age and sex, it can happen with people from childhood to old age. Take a look at some of the frequently observed causes of loneliness and depression among people of all ages. Learn more about the symptoms of depression.
Loneliness comes to children who are orphans or have single parents. They often experience if nobody wants to listen to their ideas and love enough. single parents with children is often difficult to manage household affairs and office of their children and PTA meetings, etc. These children have difficulty communicating, which often leads to growth, or to be more shy or bold.
Teenagers are the biggest victims of loneliness and depression. Faced with numerous high school and taunting or teasing at school every day, suggesting that they are happier to be alone and away from people. Some children do not seem to get the school just because of bad habits sometimes refers to an isolated group. also lead to low grades may not be desirable and distant.
working age group and adults suffering from loneliness due to social and financial barriers. In the absence of job or career, unable to repay loans, the pressures of age, dating problems and sometimes the disease can take these young men and women, taking a wrong turn. More information on how to fight against loneliness.
Age group suffer from loneliness, very often. Citizens of old houses, abandoned by their children and even those who do not find love in their lives always end up being alone and with nobody to talk. It is really sad to see him sitting alone in the corners, which have almost no recollection of a family have had.
How to overcome loneliness and depression
If you suffer from this disorder and dangerous do not know how to deal with loneliness and depression, do not worry, you get out. All you have to do is;
Try to be a little open with people, even if they are not ready to accept you, do not lose hope. Make new friends and share your feelings more often, which will reduce the burden that keeps you carry yourself. More information on how to cure loneliness.
If you think you are alone and have nobody to turn to, take a pen and paper and write down everything you think. Do not worry about how to write, if you feel Scribble. Also, write what you feel the change in you if you are angry against you.
Because you're depressed, you isolate everyone. But it is certainly not a good idea because you will need someone to talk afterwards. So if there's nobody, talk to a pet or a neighbor, or even a psychiatrist, but to communicate. More information on how to overcome depression.
Gain confidence in yourself and participate in social activities. Go to the gym, swim, take a course in music, dance, learn, paint, sew, time online, playing games inside and outside (not only), shopping or anything that affects people in it. But please do not leave you alone.
Take a vacation and meet new people, and if you can not just visit your family. Try to give solutions to your problems and not to flee because they frighten you. More information on how to fight against depression.
Make decisions and be strong enough to make changes around you, that will increase your confidence and give you a positive outlook on life.
The world is a nice place to live if you can only get better for you. Do not let others take a personality for you, do to others.
Loneliness and depression are two monsters you can get from a "somebody" to a complete "nobody", so do not give in them and are always happy, a smile does not cost at all.
The causes of loneliness and depression
There are many causes of depression that no matter how we remain in good physical health, emotional health can not ignore that we face. Loneliness and depression knows no boundaries of age and sex, it can happen with people from childhood to old age. Take a look at some of the frequently observed causes of loneliness and depression among people of all ages. Learn more about the symptoms of depression.
Loneliness comes to children who are orphans or have single parents. They often experience if nobody wants to listen to their ideas and love enough. single parents with children is often difficult to manage household affairs and office of their children and PTA meetings, etc. These children have difficulty communicating, which often leads to growth, or to be more shy or bold.
Teenagers are the biggest victims of loneliness and depression. Faced with numerous high school and taunting or teasing at school every day, suggesting that they are happier to be alone and away from people. Some children do not seem to get the school just because of bad habits sometimes refers to an isolated group. also lead to low grades may not be desirable and distant.
working age group and adults suffering from loneliness due to social and financial barriers. In the absence of job or career, unable to repay loans, the pressures of age, dating problems and sometimes the disease can take these young men and women, taking a wrong turn. More information on how to fight against loneliness.
Age group suffer from loneliness, very often. Citizens of old houses, abandoned by their children and even those who do not find love in their lives always end up being alone and with nobody to talk. It is really sad to see him sitting alone in the corners, which have almost no recollection of a family have had.
How to overcome loneliness and depression
If you suffer from this disorder and dangerous do not know how to deal with loneliness and depression, do not worry, you get out. All you have to do is;
Try to be a little open with people, even if they are not ready to accept you, do not lose hope. Make new friends and share your feelings more often, which will reduce the burden that keeps you carry yourself. More information on how to cure loneliness.
If you think you are alone and have nobody to turn to, take a pen and paper and write down everything you think. Do not worry about how to write, if you feel Scribble. Also, write what you feel the change in you if you are angry against you.
Because you're depressed, you isolate everyone. But it is certainly not a good idea because you will need someone to talk afterwards. So if there's nobody, talk to a pet or a neighbor, or even a psychiatrist, but to communicate. More information on how to overcome depression.
Gain confidence in yourself and participate in social activities. Go to the gym, swim, take a course in music, dance, learn, paint, sew, time online, playing games inside and outside (not only), shopping or anything that affects people in it. But please do not leave you alone.
Take a vacation and meet new people, and if you can not just visit your family. Try to give solutions to your problems and not to flee because they frighten you. More information on how to fight against depression.
Make decisions and be strong enough to make changes around you, that will increase your confidence and give you a positive outlook on life.
The world is a nice place to live if you can only get better for you. Do not let others take a personality for you, do to others.
Loneliness and depression are two monsters you can get from a "somebody" to a complete "nobody", so do not give in them and are always happy, a smile does not cost at all.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Dealing With Depression
by Depression Treatment
There are many occasions in our lives when they must go through depression for reasons such and such. A person may be depressed because of a breakup with his girlfriend, not in any review, job loss, or any other similar reason. However, depressed people should understand that life does not stop there. We must move forward in life that has more in store for you. Tell us about treating depression naturally.
Coping with depression
Coping with depression is certainly the hardest part, but not that it can not be done. Some people take drugs to overcome their painful feelings. They believe it is the best alternative left to forget the memories that cause depression. However, faced with depression without medication is certainly possible if you follow some simple steps in your daily life. I live with close friends who also participate in fun activities, spending time on recreation are good options for dealing with any kind of depression. Let us learn more about this in some detail.
Learn more about:
Loneliness and depression
The fight against depression naturally
anxiety and depression overcome
Guidelines for treating depression
Tell your friends and relatives
In those moments that sadness and depression because of some reason, friends and relatives are the best people who can help you cope with situations you are going through. Fix a meeting with them and discuss the problems you encounter. This will easily understand what life has for you in times to come. With friends, you can also talk to members of your family who are very close to you as a brother or sister.
Participate in fun activities and Leisure
To cope with depression, it is very important to take your mind away from thoughts that make you be down psychologically. And to draw attention to these disturbing thoughts, which can be better than to engage in fun activities and recreation. Get together with friends and have fun and give time for leisure. Going to the movies, visiting theme parks, travel to historical places, etc.
Get involved
If you are employed to overcome depression, focus on your work more than anything else. Total focus on your work will contribute to a bad image in your personal life issues. Again, you can enjoy with your peers and have fun while working. Get training, learn new skills and you upgrade to the latest scenarios in your area. It will be good for your professional and personal life.
Create a new purpose to his work and
One of the best ways to deal with the depression of a broken relationship is to think about the future. Know that this is not everything, you still have life to live longer. Create a new goal and start working toward that goal. Not all things that will make your head spin bad experiences in the past. After a while, you notice that you passed during the depression and feel nothing about it any more.
Learn more about:
How to Treat Depression
Overcoming Depression
Coping with crisis in relations
This is the way to treat depression can be treated. Remember that time is the best cure for depression caused by a breakup. With doing all these things, you can see, even a depression or a psychologist for professional advice. They may suggest medications to treat depression naturally.
Coping with depression
Coping with depression is certainly the hardest part, but not that it can not be done. Some people take drugs to overcome their painful feelings. They believe it is the best alternative left to forget the memories that cause depression. However, faced with depression without medication is certainly possible if you follow some simple steps in your daily life. I live with close friends who also participate in fun activities, spending time on recreation are good options for dealing with any kind of depression. Let us learn more about this in some detail.
Learn more about:
Loneliness and depression
The fight against depression naturally
anxiety and depression overcome
Guidelines for treating depression
Tell your friends and relatives
In those moments that sadness and depression because of some reason, friends and relatives are the best people who can help you cope with situations you are going through. Fix a meeting with them and discuss the problems you encounter. This will easily understand what life has for you in times to come. With friends, you can also talk to members of your family who are very close to you as a brother or sister.
Participate in fun activities and Leisure
To cope with depression, it is very important to take your mind away from thoughts that make you be down psychologically. And to draw attention to these disturbing thoughts, which can be better than to engage in fun activities and recreation. Get together with friends and have fun and give time for leisure. Going to the movies, visiting theme parks, travel to historical places, etc.
Get involved
If you are employed to overcome depression, focus on your work more than anything else. Total focus on your work will contribute to a bad image in your personal life issues. Again, you can enjoy with your peers and have fun while working. Get training, learn new skills and you upgrade to the latest scenarios in your area. It will be good for your professional and personal life.
Create a new purpose to his work and
One of the best ways to deal with the depression of a broken relationship is to think about the future. Know that this is not everything, you still have life to live longer. Create a new goal and start working toward that goal. Not all things that will make your head spin bad experiences in the past. After a while, you notice that you passed during the depression and feel nothing about it any more.
Learn more about:
How to Treat Depression
Overcoming Depression
Coping with crisis in relations
This is the way to treat depression can be treated. Remember that time is the best cure for depression caused by a breakup. With doing all these things, you can see, even a depression or a psychologist for professional advice. They may suggest medications to treat depression naturally.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Fighting Depression With Food
by Depression Treatment
Depression out of you. It affects the very heart of your existence and builds on the basic ability to live normally. There is a general feeling of gloom in the air. Who would not want to kick the habit and get rid of depression? Although there are several ways to fight against depression naturally, there is this particular method that might work almost perfectly for many - and it is through food. There are many foods that fight against depression and help a person to know their balance back foot in life. This article will talk about food, such as depression that helps.
Natural foods that fight against depression
These are some of the best fights of food depression, these include in your diet and you'll drive fast blues.
B Vitamins
B vitamins have a major effect on our mental balance and well-being. Deficiencies in B vitamins, like folic acid, vitamin B6 and pyridoxine may lead to depression. Vitamin B6 is responsible for maintaining the balance of neurotransmitters (such anxiety control and calm). Keys on spinach, avocados, sweet potatoes, chicken, bread and black beans. Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamin B.
Iron deficiency leads to depression easily. This affects many people in the form of anemia is often present as a symptom of PMS in women. Includes iron-rich foods like meat, legumes, vegetables, cabbage, green lettuce, and grain.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant known and improves immunity levels in the body. It also helps prevent infection and improve red blood cells. Foods such as wheat, various nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamin E. This vitamin is touted as one of the best foods to fight against depression.
Foods that fight against depression, zinc is considered a good source as well. Zinc plays an important role in the metabolism and digestion and also helps combat fatigue. Some of the major sources of zinc are whole grains, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ.
Calcium helps to induce sleep naturally and there have been studies showing that calcium deficiency leads to depression and fatigue. Calcium is present in foods such as milk, broccoli, dairy products, tofu, orange juice, and cheese.
The selenium is easily found in poultry, mushrooms, wheat and seafood and is one of the best foods that fight against depression. Not only the eradication of depression by infusion of energy in person, but this struggle, and cancer!
Water is a unique solution for the promotion of good mood, improve mental strength, to eliminate skin problems and improve motor function. Eliminate toxins from the water and thus prevents the toxicity of the body and enhances the status of an individual.
Carbohydrates help produce serotonin, resulting in a good mood. Carbohydrates also raise the level of tryptophan, which in turn produces serotonin. Eat good carbs like whole grains and cereals.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish (tuna, salmon), nuts (walnuts) and canola oil helps fight against depression, too. There have been many studies to prove it.
List of foods that fight against depression
Here is a general list of foods that help fight against depression
Whole grains
depression on its food like a good plan to me! And with these foods that fight against depression naturally, you will find all too easy.
Natural foods that fight against depression
These are some of the best fights of food depression, these include in your diet and you'll drive fast blues.
B Vitamins
B vitamins have a major effect on our mental balance and well-being. Deficiencies in B vitamins, like folic acid, vitamin B6 and pyridoxine may lead to depression. Vitamin B6 is responsible for maintaining the balance of neurotransmitters (such anxiety control and calm). Keys on spinach, avocados, sweet potatoes, chicken, bread and black beans. Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamin B.
Iron deficiency leads to depression easily. This affects many people in the form of anemia is often present as a symptom of PMS in women. Includes iron-rich foods like meat, legumes, vegetables, cabbage, green lettuce, and grain.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant known and improves immunity levels in the body. It also helps prevent infection and improve red blood cells. Foods such as wheat, various nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamin E. This vitamin is touted as one of the best foods to fight against depression.
Foods that fight against depression, zinc is considered a good source as well. Zinc plays an important role in the metabolism and digestion and also helps combat fatigue. Some of the major sources of zinc are whole grains, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ.
Calcium helps to induce sleep naturally and there have been studies showing that calcium deficiency leads to depression and fatigue. Calcium is present in foods such as milk, broccoli, dairy products, tofu, orange juice, and cheese.
The selenium is easily found in poultry, mushrooms, wheat and seafood and is one of the best foods that fight against depression. Not only the eradication of depression by infusion of energy in person, but this struggle, and cancer!
Water is a unique solution for the promotion of good mood, improve mental strength, to eliminate skin problems and improve motor function. Eliminate toxins from the water and thus prevents the toxicity of the body and enhances the status of an individual.
Carbohydrates help produce serotonin, resulting in a good mood. Carbohydrates also raise the level of tryptophan, which in turn produces serotonin. Eat good carbs like whole grains and cereals.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish (tuna, salmon), nuts (walnuts) and canola oil helps fight against depression, too. There have been many studies to prove it.
List of foods that fight against depression
Here is a general list of foods that help fight against depression
Whole grains
depression on its food like a good plan to me! And with these foods that fight against depression naturally, you will find all too easy.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
What To Do In Depression
by Depression Treatment
Lara has been a very successful financial professional. She could get all the luxuries she wanted was good friends she could count. She used to party all weekend and other generally had a "fabulous life." Somewhere along the line though, something was nagging her. Finally one day, sitting alone, depression is looming large on her psyche. She asked, "Why am I depressed.?" She had no answer.
Our psyche is troubled that such an entity we believe ourselves sometimes do not understand its quirks. Being in an "I'm depressed, what should I do" does not even have a bit of novelty for most of us. Rather, what is most important is that you're not depressed, but how out. This is your victory is final. Once I was grumbling against the way I got what I wanted, which was a reason for me to be depressed. What my grandmother Mother told me the answer was something I thought I share with all who pass by I'm depressed and do not know what the situation.
How do I know if I am depressed
Well, this query is one that simply can not answer. As I said, if we do not understand sometimes what happens to us, how can I tell others what is happening? It's something that hits you right out of nowhere! I know, I get depressed when I feel very, very low and the world around seems to be good at all. Can not find something nice and even better things to beautify your mood. I think that's when you have to say I'm depressed.
I am alone and depressed
speech on my grandmother's why you feel lonely when you have so many friends and a good number of parents who are all there for you? Loneliness and depression is not a viable equation. Being in contact with them, if you have lost contact with someone for the report again, then it would take time for depression. One could say that I am depressed because I am alone. Get a soul mate is not so much in our hands! Furthermore, saying that those who took them, no problems or depression? Therefore, depression is one influence that you put in your mind with all these frivolous reasons. If your destiny is linked with someone special out there, you would certainly meet that person! No need to be depressed about it! Ask those that are unique to play and they will give you lots of ideas! Working, studying, hanging out with friends, have fun soon! So I think you got an answer to what to do when depressed!
I'm depressed and I want to die
Well, death is not the solution to your problems, not to escape reality. alcoholism and drug addiction has become a way for many to escape the harsh reality of the world. But I must confess! The point here is to die is not something to do, or what drug or alcohol. Key, like my grandmother say, whenever I said, "I'm depressed, what should I do?" - There must be something in your life makes you happy. May be studied Fine Art, cooking, music, writing, singing, social work, or even watch movies! It should give you an inner joy and peace. Finally, depression medications should not be half as effective as you prep these things from within. When you do something for others and feel happy about it, you automatically feel also very good. This way, you can also have friends and relationships. This way, you do not have the chance to feel lonely and depressed, as you would constructively busy all the time.
I'm depressed for no reason
Yes, my dear child, my grandmother told me that there are times when you feel depressed for no apparent reason. It was so when introspection. Close your eyes and steady your thoughts going in all possible directions. Vipasanna in the art of meditation, they say that your mind is like a monkey do not stop jumping from one branch to another. You need to calm down. Various breathing techniques are the best way to do it. Leave everything to free your mind and let the spark of knowledge clearly expressed. You understand and get the answer of "I'm depressed. What should I do? "
The crux of it all is that I think each of us must strive for inner peace and the expectations of others. At the same time, what do my best for them. Develop a hobby and eat and leave, sometimes to others what you have! Finally, introspection and look within. It is best to always try to add to the value of your personality, rather than saying that I am depressed all the time or simply to think why I depressed? After all this, I hope you get the drift! Depression is a state of mind and we are all well equipped to cope well! Beware!
Our psyche is troubled that such an entity we believe ourselves sometimes do not understand its quirks. Being in an "I'm depressed, what should I do" does not even have a bit of novelty for most of us. Rather, what is most important is that you're not depressed, but how out. This is your victory is final. Once I was grumbling against the way I got what I wanted, which was a reason for me to be depressed. What my grandmother Mother told me the answer was something I thought I share with all who pass by I'm depressed and do not know what the situation.
How do I know if I am depressed
Well, this query is one that simply can not answer. As I said, if we do not understand sometimes what happens to us, how can I tell others what is happening? It's something that hits you right out of nowhere! I know, I get depressed when I feel very, very low and the world around seems to be good at all. Can not find something nice and even better things to beautify your mood. I think that's when you have to say I'm depressed.
I am alone and depressed
speech on my grandmother's why you feel lonely when you have so many friends and a good number of parents who are all there for you? Loneliness and depression is not a viable equation. Being in contact with them, if you have lost contact with someone for the report again, then it would take time for depression. One could say that I am depressed because I am alone. Get a soul mate is not so much in our hands! Furthermore, saying that those who took them, no problems or depression? Therefore, depression is one influence that you put in your mind with all these frivolous reasons. If your destiny is linked with someone special out there, you would certainly meet that person! No need to be depressed about it! Ask those that are unique to play and they will give you lots of ideas! Working, studying, hanging out with friends, have fun soon! So I think you got an answer to what to do when depressed!
I'm depressed and I want to die
Well, death is not the solution to your problems, not to escape reality. alcoholism and drug addiction has become a way for many to escape the harsh reality of the world. But I must confess! The point here is to die is not something to do, or what drug or alcohol. Key, like my grandmother say, whenever I said, "I'm depressed, what should I do?" - There must be something in your life makes you happy. May be studied Fine Art, cooking, music, writing, singing, social work, or even watch movies! It should give you an inner joy and peace. Finally, depression medications should not be half as effective as you prep these things from within. When you do something for others and feel happy about it, you automatically feel also very good. This way, you can also have friends and relationships. This way, you do not have the chance to feel lonely and depressed, as you would constructively busy all the time.
I'm depressed for no reason
Yes, my dear child, my grandmother told me that there are times when you feel depressed for no apparent reason. It was so when introspection. Close your eyes and steady your thoughts going in all possible directions. Vipasanna in the art of meditation, they say that your mind is like a monkey do not stop jumping from one branch to another. You need to calm down. Various breathing techniques are the best way to do it. Leave everything to free your mind and let the spark of knowledge clearly expressed. You understand and get the answer of "I'm depressed. What should I do? "
The crux of it all is that I think each of us must strive for inner peace and the expectations of others. At the same time, what do my best for them. Develop a hobby and eat and leave, sometimes to others what you have! Finally, introspection and look within. It is best to always try to add to the value of your personality, rather than saying that I am depressed all the time or simply to think why I depressed? After all this, I hope you get the drift! Depression is a state of mind and we are all well equipped to cope well! Beware!
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
How To Cure Depression On Your Own
by Depression Treatment
But if someone dies, if something happens to you, it is a normal part of depression is part of human nature, and some people consider it a learning experience, etc. - Bob Geldof
Depression is one of the major problems affecting people worldwide, particularly adolescents and youth. It is a state of mind when a person starts to think negatively about themselves, others around, and everything. This is a serious problem, so it must be recognized as soon as possible. This is a problem that can lead to other complications in our personal and professional life. The following paragraphs contain information on which a person becomes depressed and how to get out of depression on their own.
Causes of Depression
A person may be depressed due to several reasons. A teenager may feel depressed, if he is forced to explore more of its capacity, or if he does well in his exams. A couple may feel depressed because of a stress fracture of the employment relationship, work, job loss, and any other similar reason. There are people who get so depressed that he thinks of suicide or do anything harmful to their bodies. These reflect on how to get over depression on their own should also know that women are twice as susceptible to mental illness than men worrying. Now move on how to overcome depression on their own.
Guidelines on how to overcome depression on their own
Communicate with friends and family members: Talking with friends and family members on the psychological problems that arises is probably one of the best ways to overcome depression. You can even make new friends, too.
Healthy diet and vitamins: To be in a good mental state, you also need to eat well. Depression can also be caused if there is a complex of B vitamins and iron deficiency in your diet. Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
Daily Exercise: In addition to being a diet, you also need to keep the body shape. This can be done with regular daily exercise. If your body is healthy, you will certainly feel better about yourself, and it will take your mind away from negative thoughts of depression.
Mind you, keeping yourself busy with other work is another effective way to treat depression. Do things you've always thought about doing, but could not. This way, your mind will be engaged in work.
Go on a trip to: organize a trip with friends and family and go to a place that preceded it. Looking at the pictures and the great outdoors, you can see many beautiful things that life has to offer joy.
Watch Movies Comedy: It does say that laughter is the best medicine can cure a disease, and so true when it comes to overcoming depression. You can be with people who make you laugh, you can watch movies and comedies, etc.
Achieve and maintain your strengths: What to do when depressed? When it comes to how to get over depression on their own, carrying out what they can do is very important. Try to keep your strengths and weaknesses to overcome.
Here are some general steps on how to overcome depression on their own. There are many more ways to get rid of depression, such as developing a new hobby, inspired by reading some quotes from Scripture, and participation in social activities in your neighborhood. In addition, you should stay away from things that make you more depressed.
Depression is one of the major problems affecting people worldwide, particularly adolescents and youth. It is a state of mind when a person starts to think negatively about themselves, others around, and everything. This is a serious problem, so it must be recognized as soon as possible. This is a problem that can lead to other complications in our personal and professional life. The following paragraphs contain information on which a person becomes depressed and how to get out of depression on their own.
Causes of Depression
A person may be depressed due to several reasons. A teenager may feel depressed, if he is forced to explore more of its capacity, or if he does well in his exams. A couple may feel depressed because of a stress fracture of the employment relationship, work, job loss, and any other similar reason. There are people who get so depressed that he thinks of suicide or do anything harmful to their bodies. These reflect on how to get over depression on their own should also know that women are twice as susceptible to mental illness than men worrying. Now move on how to overcome depression on their own.
Guidelines on how to overcome depression on their own
Communicate with friends and family members: Talking with friends and family members on the psychological problems that arises is probably one of the best ways to overcome depression. You can even make new friends, too.
Healthy diet and vitamins: To be in a good mental state, you also need to eat well. Depression can also be caused if there is a complex of B vitamins and iron deficiency in your diet. Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
Daily Exercise: In addition to being a diet, you also need to keep the body shape. This can be done with regular daily exercise. If your body is healthy, you will certainly feel better about yourself, and it will take your mind away from negative thoughts of depression.
Mind you, keeping yourself busy with other work is another effective way to treat depression. Do things you've always thought about doing, but could not. This way, your mind will be engaged in work.
Go on a trip to: organize a trip with friends and family and go to a place that preceded it. Looking at the pictures and the great outdoors, you can see many beautiful things that life has to offer joy.
Watch Movies Comedy: It does say that laughter is the best medicine can cure a disease, and so true when it comes to overcoming depression. You can be with people who make you laugh, you can watch movies and comedies, etc.
Achieve and maintain your strengths: What to do when depressed? When it comes to how to get over depression on their own, carrying out what they can do is very important. Try to keep your strengths and weaknesses to overcome.
Here are some general steps on how to overcome depression on their own. There are many more ways to get rid of depression, such as developing a new hobby, inspired by reading some quotes from Scripture, and participation in social activities in your neighborhood. In addition, you should stay away from things that make you more depressed.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Depression And Infertility
by Depression Treatment
Having a baby is a wonderful experience for each couple. But everyone's experience is not that happiness. Some couples, whose attempts to conceive, not several times, suffering from severe depression, especially women, who suffer many emotional symptoms due to infertility. Men have their share too depressed, traditionally, a man who can not have children is not considered sufficiently masculine. All these emotional and social problems associated with infertility and depression makes it difficult for people who can not have biological children.
Depression due to infertility
According to psychologists, depression, infertility due to depression is very different from usual. This type of depression include a mixture of many emotions, including jealousy, obsession, anger, sadness, self doubt, low self-esteem and loneliness. Many infertile women are known to withdraw from social activities and tend to be isolated. In our society, the notion of a happy family and children is associated with femininity is associated with pregnancy, many couples who have children feel incomplete and unhappy. Anger and jealousy grows when other friends of the same age group had children and have a happy family said. At these times, women are beginning to come. The feeling of guilt is strong when they realize that their husbands or in-laws and other relatives desperately waiting for new family members. And when women feel depriving others of happiness, it makes them feel guilty and lose confidence. Coping with depression is difficult in such a state of mind.
Sometimes after a miscarriage or less, as couples begin to lose confidence in doctors, which led to the neglect of medication. The mental health of the death may also reduce the chances of getting pregnant. These emotional problems can also trigger the differences between the partners. It occurs when one partner is desperate and really want a child and the other partner is willing to compromise. In such cases, both partners are not usually reach a consensus on a treatment to take or if they need treatment or not at first. Sometimes, infertility in women, forcing them to remain at a distance (both physically and mentally) from their husbands and this is the most serious problem. Thus, infertility and depression, affecting not only couples, but other family members. Today, there are various treatments for infertility, but infertility is dealing with depression remains a challenge.
Coping with infertility depression
the basic step involved to deal with any type of depression is to have a positive mindset that allows you to find creative solutions to problems. Another important aspect is to accept this problem and find solutions accordingly. According to some psychologists, infertility and depression are linked. If a woman trying to conceive suffer from depression, it could reduce its chances of becoming pregnant. And the inability to conceive a depression lay in circumference. Women are caught in this vicious circle. It is therefore important for future mothers are emotionally and mentally healthy. Women with signs of infertility, undergoing treatment for infertility should be advised and should be provided with support, to help them cope with infertility and depression. In these counseling depression, women should talk about their problems and express their feelings and opinions honestly. This gives some emotional relief and restrained emotions are channeled to a better way.
After regular treatment and have faith in the treatment is very important. The place to go doctor shopping, it is advisable to complete treatment, simultaneous treatment may have adverse effects on the body. These couples can also join support groups where you can meet other couples who can not have biological children. It certainly helps to better cope with depression. When I see other people with similar problems, anger and jealousy is reduced to some degree. This also helps recover lost confidence and self esteem. Other family members also play an important role in helping to make the couple with infertility and depression and restore hope in their heart. This helps the couple remains optimistic in times of emotional crisis.
And finally, a couple can have a thought for adoption. The child is after all a child, whether adopted or biological, it is sure to bring sunshine into your life. They just say having a child makes a parent. Parenting is the care, love and compassion. So you have made other children with love and that should make you happy and satisfied, helping you cope with infertility and depression.
Depression due to infertility
According to psychologists, depression, infertility due to depression is very different from usual. This type of depression include a mixture of many emotions, including jealousy, obsession, anger, sadness, self doubt, low self-esteem and loneliness. Many infertile women are known to withdraw from social activities and tend to be isolated. In our society, the notion of a happy family and children is associated with femininity is associated with pregnancy, many couples who have children feel incomplete and unhappy. Anger and jealousy grows when other friends of the same age group had children and have a happy family said. At these times, women are beginning to come. The feeling of guilt is strong when they realize that their husbands or in-laws and other relatives desperately waiting for new family members. And when women feel depriving others of happiness, it makes them feel guilty and lose confidence. Coping with depression is difficult in such a state of mind.
Sometimes after a miscarriage or less, as couples begin to lose confidence in doctors, which led to the neglect of medication. The mental health of the death may also reduce the chances of getting pregnant. These emotional problems can also trigger the differences between the partners. It occurs when one partner is desperate and really want a child and the other partner is willing to compromise. In such cases, both partners are not usually reach a consensus on a treatment to take or if they need treatment or not at first. Sometimes, infertility in women, forcing them to remain at a distance (both physically and mentally) from their husbands and this is the most serious problem. Thus, infertility and depression, affecting not only couples, but other family members. Today, there are various treatments for infertility, but infertility is dealing with depression remains a challenge.
Coping with infertility depression
the basic step involved to deal with any type of depression is to have a positive mindset that allows you to find creative solutions to problems. Another important aspect is to accept this problem and find solutions accordingly. According to some psychologists, infertility and depression are linked. If a woman trying to conceive suffer from depression, it could reduce its chances of becoming pregnant. And the inability to conceive a depression lay in circumference. Women are caught in this vicious circle. It is therefore important for future mothers are emotionally and mentally healthy. Women with signs of infertility, undergoing treatment for infertility should be advised and should be provided with support, to help them cope with infertility and depression. In these counseling depression, women should talk about their problems and express their feelings and opinions honestly. This gives some emotional relief and restrained emotions are channeled to a better way.
After regular treatment and have faith in the treatment is very important. The place to go doctor shopping, it is advisable to complete treatment, simultaneous treatment may have adverse effects on the body. These couples can also join support groups where you can meet other couples who can not have biological children. It certainly helps to better cope with depression. When I see other people with similar problems, anger and jealousy is reduced to some degree. This also helps recover lost confidence and self esteem. Other family members also play an important role in helping to make the couple with infertility and depression and restore hope in their heart. This helps the couple remains optimistic in times of emotional crisis.
And finally, a couple can have a thought for adoption. The child is after all a child, whether adopted or biological, it is sure to bring sunshine into your life. They just say having a child makes a parent. Parenting is the care, love and compassion. So you have made other children with love and that should make you happy and satisfied, helping you cope with infertility and depression.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Treating Depression Naturally
by Depression Treatment
Old as humanity itself, depression is not just a question of our century, as they have been tagged before, but its roots go back in time for the Garden of Eden. Depression is considered a disorder that is dispositional emotional, cognitive, motivational and somatic manifest. In terms of somatic, depressed people suffer from changes in appetite, sleep and sexual desire. Transformations can also be seen at the cognitive level that induces dysfunctional negative thoughts and feelings of guilt and inferiority. negative emotions and thoughts influence the motivation of depressed people who refuse to engage in new behaviors and are totally devoid of perseverance. According to Aaron T. Beck 's negative thoughts are caused by irrational beliefs, which is the main cause of the symptoms above. He claims there is a direct relationship between the amount of negative thoughts and severity of depressive symptoms. Beck has three major themes that highlight the dysfunctional beliefs depressed people: (a) lack of a person are unnecessary and unwelcome, (2) All of my experiences come to failures and disappointments and (3) My future is very lacking in hope.
Thus, depression is a fact, a reality that is not only the "disease of the century," but we can say there was when he appeared irrational beliefs, and perhaps what happened when Humanity has been created. From this point of view, it is perfectly normal that depression was expressed long before the psychological theories developed. One of the areas that deal with depression is domain.From this spiritual or religious perspective, depression is seen in various forms. Some tend to regard it as a sin, others as a means of punishment, while others simply a consequence of his actions and thoughts. It depends largely on how God is perceived.
A model that combines psychology and spirituality, and psychological attempts to answer questions like what is the role of depression and why does God allow depression in men is "Heart Cry model (HCM), developed by Armelle (1995, 2000). The essence of this model gives the idea that depression, especially in its initial form, is a motivational state, allowed by God to lead people to take corrective measures. In the intention God is to look at humanity like him and to update the image of his creation, God intervenes in human existence through various methods that provide opportunities for change and renewal.
According to HCM, depression is a warning sign. Combined with the theory of Beck's, argues that the model of alarm is designed to make the depressed person see that beliefs that govern their behavior is irrational and dysfunctional. In addition, they hide behind their false ideas of God and attitudes that lead to poor quality relationship with God. The mechanism is: irrational cognitions and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness to create psychological discomfort and pain. These two come together as a sign that something is wrong. When depression is a minor, the person may intervene directly and change. Where this is not the case, depression is growing as a warning to the social network around the depressed person to take action.
Thus, to treat depression, there are two areas where action should be performed. First, medication is not necessary to reduce the level of neurotransmitters in the balance and secondly there is a critical need for cognitive behavioral therapy. If the patient is religious, the therapist can change perceptions, according to a set of religious principles, such as repeated that everyone was "great" in the image of God or that Jesus promised that He is with us every day, which means that all experiences are known to pass through a him, or he is always careful in the future, bring hope and help when needed.
In conclusion, the depressions are very common conditions that are consequences of a malfunction of the system of thought. God allows to happen, because for mental suffering, he can approach people and wounding can trigger an alarm that things are on track. Thus, depression is treated as irrational cognitions and beliefs are replaced by rational and functional.
Thus, depression is a fact, a reality that is not only the "disease of the century," but we can say there was when he appeared irrational beliefs, and perhaps what happened when Humanity has been created. From this point of view, it is perfectly normal that depression was expressed long before the psychological theories developed. One of the areas that deal with depression is domain.From this spiritual or religious perspective, depression is seen in various forms. Some tend to regard it as a sin, others as a means of punishment, while others simply a consequence of his actions and thoughts. It depends largely on how God is perceived.
A model that combines psychology and spirituality, and psychological attempts to answer questions like what is the role of depression and why does God allow depression in men is "Heart Cry model (HCM), developed by Armelle (1995, 2000). The essence of this model gives the idea that depression, especially in its initial form, is a motivational state, allowed by God to lead people to take corrective measures. In the intention God is to look at humanity like him and to update the image of his creation, God intervenes in human existence through various methods that provide opportunities for change and renewal.
According to HCM, depression is a warning sign. Combined with the theory of Beck's, argues that the model of alarm is designed to make the depressed person see that beliefs that govern their behavior is irrational and dysfunctional. In addition, they hide behind their false ideas of God and attitudes that lead to poor quality relationship with God. The mechanism is: irrational cognitions and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness to create psychological discomfort and pain. These two come together as a sign that something is wrong. When depression is a minor, the person may intervene directly and change. Where this is not the case, depression is growing as a warning to the social network around the depressed person to take action.
Thus, to treat depression, there are two areas where action should be performed. First, medication is not necessary to reduce the level of neurotransmitters in the balance and secondly there is a critical need for cognitive behavioral therapy. If the patient is religious, the therapist can change perceptions, according to a set of religious principles, such as repeated that everyone was "great" in the image of God or that Jesus promised that He is with us every day, which means that all experiences are known to pass through a him, or he is always careful in the future, bring hope and help when needed.
In conclusion, the depressions are very common conditions that are consequences of a malfunction of the system of thought. God allows to happen, because for mental suffering, he can approach people and wounding can trigger an alarm that things are on track. Thus, depression is treated as irrational cognitions and beliefs are replaced by rational and functional.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Depression And Chronic Pain
by Depression Treatment
Living with chronic pain and depression constant is a very bad scenario for everyone, that depression has the potential to greatly amplify any pain you may experience. It is therefore difficult to cope with a situation of chronic pain daily, and it wreaked havoc in the minds of individuals.
Chronic pain is a disease that occurs after severe injury when the pain is much longer than was expected. That is the whole condition more difficult to treat as a person begins a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness. This increases the pain, such a condition that will certainly lead to a certain degree of mental fatigue, which culminates in depression. This is one of the most difficult to treat, and the population most affected by this problem are soldiers and people who suffered serious injuries.
Because of the state management of chronic pain, the body begins to react in different ways. This condition inadvertently lead to low energy levels, extreme changes in mood, abnormal levels of hormones in the brain, the brain affected by the performance and extreme muscle pain. That is why chronic pain and depression often go hand in hand. These neurochemical changes in the brain lead to worsening pain, and other body parts in pain as well. If we believe that everything is a state of mind over matter, it is not surprising that chronic pain affects his mental state, the pain worsens and apparently began to spread.
Role of drugs
Analgesics that we must take to cope with chronic pain problems, inadvertently, to a certain degree of impairment in the brain and functionality. These drugs tend to make them feel more depressed since the beginning to show different effects on the body. Although the drugs should be to make the pain go away, sometimes reaching up to cause more physical pain because of this link between chronic pain and depression.
Coping with chronic pain and depression dosage of these drugs requires the depression of being arrested, or at least reduced. But this means that the pain persisted and refused to leave. It's a vicious circle which is extremely difficult to leave. In addition, this condition also begin to affect the patient's family and friends, sooner or later, and that's when things get really ugly.
Chronic pain and symptoms of depression
If you know or love someone who suffer from this condition must be supportive and positive when you are around them. If you have signs of losing hope, or who are frustrated by the lack of progress, it will increase the intensity of the state in them. You should be aware of any signs that the disease begins to affect the mental state that some people, then act accordingly. Here are some common symptoms of depression, to be aware of and watch.
loss or weight gain
Fear of injury
Chronic anxiety
Altered mood
confused thinking
Stress of family problems
Low self-esteem
Financial concerns
legal concerns
Social isolation
Sleep disorders
If you start to notice a majority of these signs in the patient, it is time to act. There are many ways that this condition can be treated, but all must be handled with care and sensitivity. Studying the etiology of depression will also learn more about this condition.
Manage chronic pain and depression
The best thing to do in such a scenario is to try to make the person feel better and happy to distract from the problem entirely. Talk to them about what they are happy to do, or are interested in this area and take their minds away from thoughts of death. You should not focus on pain and depression, and should act as if everything is okay and normal. This does not mean you completely ignore their condition, but you should try your best to avoid it. The sensitivity with which you deal with the situation is of vital importance, and it will make a difference in their recovery. You can even start to practice meditation for depression.
Otherwise, a different approach to the problem and talk to him directly and explain what is happening. surround them with happy things in their past, and try to involve as many friends and family members as possible. Since the problem comes from the depths of mental mind is the only place to fight against the problem of chronic pain and depression. These articles deal with depression and how to treat depression can also help.
How do you deal with this issue will play a major role in the recovery of the individual. Physical therapy to help deal with pain, but therapy is similarly important. If the problem of chronic pain and depression is not treated well, which could have serious repercussions on the lives of individuals, and anyone involved with them.
Chronic pain is a disease that occurs after severe injury when the pain is much longer than was expected. That is the whole condition more difficult to treat as a person begins a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness. This increases the pain, such a condition that will certainly lead to a certain degree of mental fatigue, which culminates in depression. This is one of the most difficult to treat, and the population most affected by this problem are soldiers and people who suffered serious injuries.
Because of the state management of chronic pain, the body begins to react in different ways. This condition inadvertently lead to low energy levels, extreme changes in mood, abnormal levels of hormones in the brain, the brain affected by the performance and extreme muscle pain. That is why chronic pain and depression often go hand in hand. These neurochemical changes in the brain lead to worsening pain, and other body parts in pain as well. If we believe that everything is a state of mind over matter, it is not surprising that chronic pain affects his mental state, the pain worsens and apparently began to spread.
Role of drugs
Analgesics that we must take to cope with chronic pain problems, inadvertently, to a certain degree of impairment in the brain and functionality. These drugs tend to make them feel more depressed since the beginning to show different effects on the body. Although the drugs should be to make the pain go away, sometimes reaching up to cause more physical pain because of this link between chronic pain and depression.
Coping with chronic pain and depression dosage of these drugs requires the depression of being arrested, or at least reduced. But this means that the pain persisted and refused to leave. It's a vicious circle which is extremely difficult to leave. In addition, this condition also begin to affect the patient's family and friends, sooner or later, and that's when things get really ugly.
Chronic pain and symptoms of depression
If you know or love someone who suffer from this condition must be supportive and positive when you are around them. If you have signs of losing hope, or who are frustrated by the lack of progress, it will increase the intensity of the state in them. You should be aware of any signs that the disease begins to affect the mental state that some people, then act accordingly. Here are some common symptoms of depression, to be aware of and watch.
loss or weight gain
Fear of injury
Chronic anxiety
Altered mood
confused thinking
Stress of family problems
Low self-esteem
Financial concerns
legal concerns
Social isolation
Sleep disorders
If you start to notice a majority of these signs in the patient, it is time to act. There are many ways that this condition can be treated, but all must be handled with care and sensitivity. Studying the etiology of depression will also learn more about this condition.
Manage chronic pain and depression
The best thing to do in such a scenario is to try to make the person feel better and happy to distract from the problem entirely. Talk to them about what they are happy to do, or are interested in this area and take their minds away from thoughts of death. You should not focus on pain and depression, and should act as if everything is okay and normal. This does not mean you completely ignore their condition, but you should try your best to avoid it. The sensitivity with which you deal with the situation is of vital importance, and it will make a difference in their recovery. You can even start to practice meditation for depression.
Otherwise, a different approach to the problem and talk to him directly and explain what is happening. surround them with happy things in their past, and try to involve as many friends and family members as possible. Since the problem comes from the depths of mental mind is the only place to fight against the problem of chronic pain and depression. These articles deal with depression and how to treat depression can also help.
How do you deal with this issue will play a major role in the recovery of the individual. Physical therapy to help deal with pain, but therapy is similarly important. If the problem of chronic pain and depression is not treated well, which could have serious repercussions on the lives of individuals, and anyone involved with them.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Depression And Serotonin
by Depression Treatment
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that transmits signals from a different part of the brain to another. Serotonin has other functions in the body, where digestion. Most of serotonin in the body is produced in the gastrointestinal tract. For a chemical that exists largely in the digestive system in the brain, studies have shown that serotonin plays an important role in regulating our moods and mood swings. Sexual desire, memory, sleep and concentration, temperature, and even our appetite is influenced by the presence of serotonin in the body. As such, research has shown an association between serotonin and depression. What is the relationship between the two? Let's take a detailed look at this link here.
The link between serotonin and depression
Research has shown that a deficiency of serotonin in the body can lead to depression, which affects the mood of a person in general. There are three ways in which the imbalance of serotonin may occur in the body:
When there is a low production of serotonin in the brain
Failure to receive parts of the brain neurotransmitter
The lack of production of tryptophan, a chemical that is responsible for the production of serotonin
Any of these events may lead to an imbalance in serotonin levels in the body, with one of its results being depressed, with anxiety and anger. One reason for this imbalance has been identified as stress. Stress is the ability to change many bodily functions, and a lack of production of serotonin is known to be one of them.
brain levels of serotonin can not be measured by all tests, but noted that consumption of antidepressants is known to induce the production of serotonin and therefore lead to a general increase in mood and relieve depression symptoms different. However, it is possible to measure blood levels of serotonin, and it was observed these levels are lower than those suffering from depression. Thus, although the etiology of depression does not only refer to this chemical imbalance can be inferred that finally a low level of serotonin has an effect on our state and, consequently, depression.
Increased levels of serotonin
There are several ways to increase serotonin naturally, and therefore will escape the depression that was affecting you. Some of these methods have been included here.
Although the food is known to increase serotonin is a diet helps produce more serotonin, tryptophan, which in turn is responsible for the production of serotonin. This diet includes foods rich in protein which increase the production of the amino acid tryptophan. Therefore, after this regime induces a feeling of general well-being.
Exercise is also known to help increase serotonin levels in the body. Therefore, when you're depressed, you are invited to engage in physical activity whatsoever, because it helps indirectly to relieve depression.
Other ways to improve the level of serotonin in the body include the provision of drugs against depression, such as anti-depressants. However, this must be done under the supervision of a physician.
As I mentioned earlier, serotonin is not the only reason that can be depressed. certain environmental conditions and psychological conditions contribute to depression. Perhaps the link between serotonin and depression is that it induces a positive bent of mind, which does not allow little things to disturb and depress you. However, never assume that because you're depressed, you can calculate how to increase serotonin levels in your body. Without adequate consultation, do not try to diagnose. An excess of serotonin in the body can lead to serotonin syndrome, which causes physical symptoms that may be hazardous to health. Physical complications, with complications in mind, it is preferable for you to consult a professional to solve the problem and find ways to fight depression without drugs.
Fortunately, the above information has helped you understand how serotonin and depression are linked. You can now find a logical explanation for why your depression if you can not find another reason for your depression mood.
The link between serotonin and depression
Research has shown that a deficiency of serotonin in the body can lead to depression, which affects the mood of a person in general. There are three ways in which the imbalance of serotonin may occur in the body:
When there is a low production of serotonin in the brain
Failure to receive parts of the brain neurotransmitter
The lack of production of tryptophan, a chemical that is responsible for the production of serotonin
Any of these events may lead to an imbalance in serotonin levels in the body, with one of its results being depressed, with anxiety and anger. One reason for this imbalance has been identified as stress. Stress is the ability to change many bodily functions, and a lack of production of serotonin is known to be one of them.
brain levels of serotonin can not be measured by all tests, but noted that consumption of antidepressants is known to induce the production of serotonin and therefore lead to a general increase in mood and relieve depression symptoms different. However, it is possible to measure blood levels of serotonin, and it was observed these levels are lower than those suffering from depression. Thus, although the etiology of depression does not only refer to this chemical imbalance can be inferred that finally a low level of serotonin has an effect on our state and, consequently, depression.
Increased levels of serotonin
There are several ways to increase serotonin naturally, and therefore will escape the depression that was affecting you. Some of these methods have been included here.
Although the food is known to increase serotonin is a diet helps produce more serotonin, tryptophan, which in turn is responsible for the production of serotonin. This diet includes foods rich in protein which increase the production of the amino acid tryptophan. Therefore, after this regime induces a feeling of general well-being.
Exercise is also known to help increase serotonin levels in the body. Therefore, when you're depressed, you are invited to engage in physical activity whatsoever, because it helps indirectly to relieve depression.
Other ways to improve the level of serotonin in the body include the provision of drugs against depression, such as anti-depressants. However, this must be done under the supervision of a physician.
As I mentioned earlier, serotonin is not the only reason that can be depressed. certain environmental conditions and psychological conditions contribute to depression. Perhaps the link between serotonin and depression is that it induces a positive bent of mind, which does not allow little things to disturb and depress you. However, never assume that because you're depressed, you can calculate how to increase serotonin levels in your body. Without adequate consultation, do not try to diagnose. An excess of serotonin in the body can lead to serotonin syndrome, which causes physical symptoms that may be hazardous to health. Physical complications, with complications in mind, it is preferable for you to consult a professional to solve the problem and find ways to fight depression without drugs.
Fortunately, the above information has helped you understand how serotonin and depression are linked. You can now find a logical explanation for why your depression if you can not find another reason for your depression mood.
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Depression And Insomania
by Depression Treatment
Much has been said about insomnia and depression, and both have a link that has long been beyond comprehension. Until recently, a common belief is that depression is a cause of sleep disorder called insomnia, insomnia causes painful nights and days of prolonged fatigue. However, a recent study showed otherwise, indicating in essence that, in fact, insomnia can cause you to feel depressed, and experience various symptoms of depression. Studies have also shown that the cure for insomnia as a cause of depression is essential to treat them further cause depression. Here we try to understand this complex relationship between depression and insomnia.
How does depression cause insomnia
Several research studies and experiments have been conducted to understand the link between insomnia and depression. The following results were observed in the conduct of such research.
These studies have shown that seniors who were depressed and suffered from insomnia were 17 times more likely to remain depressed even after a year he was left untreated insomnia. On the other hand, patients who slept well have been affected by the treatment given to treat depression.
It was found that seniors who had no medical or family history of depression were six times more likely to develop depression if they suffer from insomnia. This trend was greater among those who had some type of insomnia, where they were regularly woken up several times in the night, a condition known as middle insomnia. Women were also observed to be more prone to develop this type of depression due to sleeplessness.
Although this research has been conducted on the elderly, experts suggest that anyone who suffers from chronic insomnia is susceptible to developing depression.
While the consensus is that depression treatment will cure insomnia, these studies have shown the opposite, saying that insomnia should be treated to cure depression.
One cause of insomnia and depression is that staying awake for too long increases the release of dopamine, a chemical that serotonin is linked with the "wellness" factor that can have sometimes. Animal studies have shown that excess dopamine production can transcend this very general sense of positivity and cause depression. There was evidence that the long term when you're awake longer than usual, the body triggers the production of other serotonin, and in some cases, insomnia is acting as a natural antidepressant. However, when this production goes awry and results in an excess, there is a chance of developing depression.
When a person suffers from sleep disorders, namely insomnia, it is natural that some symptoms the next day, the loss of fatigue, concentration, confusion and forgetfulness, which can all contribute to the development of pessimism and thus and depression. As such, little sleep triggers depression. If you are already prone to depression because of the story, or because its existence in your family, and if you happen to develop insomnia, you're more likely to suffer from depression. If you suffer from lack of sleep for five days, you should immediately head for the treatment of insomnia. By forcing you to sleep and laying awake in bed will not help and may aggravate your condition. Some home remedies for insomnia may be tempted, as a massage before bed, aromatherapy, etc. Avoid stressful situations before bedtime, and try to start to relax before sleeping. For example, do not watch TV, computer or hearing before bedtime. Instead, listen to soft music or songs to improve sleep. A detailed look at the causes and cures for insomnia, should be able to help induce a sound sleep.
Over time, chronic insomnia and depression caused by it can slowly destroy your lifestyle and health. In this spirit, ensuring that you get upset when sleeping, you should use a treatment for this at the earliest. In addition to depression, insomnia can cause many other health problems, including hypertension and diabetes. To avoid this, take care of yourself, treat yourself to sleep healthy lifestyle and live a good, healthy and positive.
How does depression cause insomnia
Several research studies and experiments have been conducted to understand the link between insomnia and depression. The following results were observed in the conduct of such research.
These studies have shown that seniors who were depressed and suffered from insomnia were 17 times more likely to remain depressed even after a year he was left untreated insomnia. On the other hand, patients who slept well have been affected by the treatment given to treat depression.
It was found that seniors who had no medical or family history of depression were six times more likely to develop depression if they suffer from insomnia. This trend was greater among those who had some type of insomnia, where they were regularly woken up several times in the night, a condition known as middle insomnia. Women were also observed to be more prone to develop this type of depression due to sleeplessness.
Although this research has been conducted on the elderly, experts suggest that anyone who suffers from chronic insomnia is susceptible to developing depression.
While the consensus is that depression treatment will cure insomnia, these studies have shown the opposite, saying that insomnia should be treated to cure depression.
One cause of insomnia and depression is that staying awake for too long increases the release of dopamine, a chemical that serotonin is linked with the "wellness" factor that can have sometimes. Animal studies have shown that excess dopamine production can transcend this very general sense of positivity and cause depression. There was evidence that the long term when you're awake longer than usual, the body triggers the production of other serotonin, and in some cases, insomnia is acting as a natural antidepressant. However, when this production goes awry and results in an excess, there is a chance of developing depression.
When a person suffers from sleep disorders, namely insomnia, it is natural that some symptoms the next day, the loss of fatigue, concentration, confusion and forgetfulness, which can all contribute to the development of pessimism and thus and depression. As such, little sleep triggers depression. If you are already prone to depression because of the story, or because its existence in your family, and if you happen to develop insomnia, you're more likely to suffer from depression. If you suffer from lack of sleep for five days, you should immediately head for the treatment of insomnia. By forcing you to sleep and laying awake in bed will not help and may aggravate your condition. Some home remedies for insomnia may be tempted, as a massage before bed, aromatherapy, etc. Avoid stressful situations before bedtime, and try to start to relax before sleeping. For example, do not watch TV, computer or hearing before bedtime. Instead, listen to soft music or songs to improve sleep. A detailed look at the causes and cures for insomnia, should be able to help induce a sound sleep.
Over time, chronic insomnia and depression caused by it can slowly destroy your lifestyle and health. In this spirit, ensuring that you get upset when sleeping, you should use a treatment for this at the earliest. In addition to depression, insomnia can cause many other health problems, including hypertension and diabetes. To avoid this, take care of yourself, treat yourself to sleep healthy lifestyle and live a good, healthy and positive.
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Pregnant And Depression
by Depression Treatment
Sometimes, mostly when you were awakened again by a moan or cry, and you suffer from sleep deprivation and all the pain of being a mother, you may find yourself questioning your health in your decision to be a homemaker. When did she get out of control? When you move from one success to the intelligent fun woman with the weight of weary eyes world on his shoulders? Stay at home mom depression is more common than we think. You're not alone if you're undecided between frustration and anger they have given everything, and blame for the feelings themselves. Babies and children are a blessing and a joy, but there are a lot of work, and anyone who thinks otherwise has no children. Coping with depression can seem a daunting task and will not be days when you want to get out of bed is an effort. Many of your friends or colleagues may be surprised or disapproving of your decision to become a mother at home. You could be on a fast track to promotion, an excellent worker, or simply your job well, which can lead others to question the wisdom of your choice. You may find yourself questioning everything, even second-guess you. No. Make sure you've made the right choice.
Stay at home mom symptoms of depression
Depression manifests itself in many ways, and be able to recognize the symptoms of depression to get better. If you had the Herculean task of raising a child you force someone who believes you it is easy to lure. The decision to be a housewife is a tough choice to make, and it is very normal to experience occasional doubts, resentment or guilt. You made the right decision? Why should you be you stay home all day? If these are questions that plague you are not a bad mother (like many of us are conditioned to think), you are perfectly normal. But if you're dwelling on these feelings, and find that they build in intensity, leading to anger and deep feelings of resentment, they may be harbingers of the onset of depression . Stay at home mom depression can be a problem if you recognize the symptoms below:
Feeling sad or unhappy time
Feeling tired all the time
Loss of interest in activities you have already received
Inability to sleep or sleeping too much
Loss of appetite or overeating
Feelings of worthlessness or helplessness
Suicidal thoughts
Coping with depression at-home mom
The first step is to recognize that you might have a problem, and should take steps to counter it. If you think there is something wrong with you, maybe you are interested to know that the compilation of statistics home mom depression show that no less than 57% of mothers who stay at home 's caring for children are depressed, and these are just the reported cases. There are measures to fight against feelings of despair.
Take time for yourself
No matter who you are, everyone needs a little time alone, time is yours until you are no wife, girlfriend or mother. Try to get a little earlier or stay later to give you some relief. If you experience symptoms of sleep deprivation, talk to your partner and find a way to achieve it - even 30 minutes can help you.
Do not lose your identity
Of course, children come first on the priority list, but that does not mean you are also a priority. Remember that the person used to be? This person is fun? It is important for you to take care of you. Set a goal to do something for you every week, and if you feel you are selfish, no. Guilt? You must be a healthy person to be a parent in good health and be a mother at home depressed, eventually affecting the children, so go ahead, good for you.
Stay in touch, or Reach Out
Make a conscious effort to take the time to your friends. If you're lucky, your friends understand, and their work schedules to accommodate you. Sometimes, however, you may find that you end up feeling more depressed, jealous of their single life, and lack of responsibility - parenting is a job 24 / 7. Reach out to the mother like you, join a support group or to invite more than just another mother. You'll be glad of the company and could just make a friend for life.
Stay at home mom depression is more common than we think. It's a brave decision to make, spend years taking care of your children, but one that gives you the joy of seeing children grow up in your face, and the ability to give quality time and quantity. Be proud of what you do, you're lucky to have the option, and enjoy. The Wonder Years fly by and before you know it, you'll lose those years really.
Stay at home mom symptoms of depression
Depression manifests itself in many ways, and be able to recognize the symptoms of depression to get better. If you had the Herculean task of raising a child you force someone who believes you it is easy to lure. The decision to be a housewife is a tough choice to make, and it is very normal to experience occasional doubts, resentment or guilt. You made the right decision? Why should you be you stay home all day? If these are questions that plague you are not a bad mother (like many of us are conditioned to think), you are perfectly normal. But if you're dwelling on these feelings, and find that they build in intensity, leading to anger and deep feelings of resentment, they may be harbingers of the onset of depression . Stay at home mom depression can be a problem if you recognize the symptoms below:
Feeling sad or unhappy time
Feeling tired all the time
Loss of interest in activities you have already received
Inability to sleep or sleeping too much
Loss of appetite or overeating
Feelings of worthlessness or helplessness
Suicidal thoughts
Coping with depression at-home mom
The first step is to recognize that you might have a problem, and should take steps to counter it. If you think there is something wrong with you, maybe you are interested to know that the compilation of statistics home mom depression show that no less than 57% of mothers who stay at home 's caring for children are depressed, and these are just the reported cases. There are measures to fight against feelings of despair.
Take time for yourself
No matter who you are, everyone needs a little time alone, time is yours until you are no wife, girlfriend or mother. Try to get a little earlier or stay later to give you some relief. If you experience symptoms of sleep deprivation, talk to your partner and find a way to achieve it - even 30 minutes can help you.
Do not lose your identity
Of course, children come first on the priority list, but that does not mean you are also a priority. Remember that the person used to be? This person is fun? It is important for you to take care of you. Set a goal to do something for you every week, and if you feel you are selfish, no. Guilt? You must be a healthy person to be a parent in good health and be a mother at home depressed, eventually affecting the children, so go ahead, good for you.
Stay in touch, or Reach Out
Make a conscious effort to take the time to your friends. If you're lucky, your friends understand, and their work schedules to accommodate you. Sometimes, however, you may find that you end up feeling more depressed, jealous of their single life, and lack of responsibility - parenting is a job 24 / 7. Reach out to the mother like you, join a support group or to invite more than just another mother. You'll be glad of the company and could just make a friend for life.
Stay at home mom depression is more common than we think. It's a brave decision to make, spend years taking care of your children, but one that gives you the joy of seeing children grow up in your face, and the ability to give quality time and quantity. Be proud of what you do, you're lucky to have the option, and enjoy. The Wonder Years fly by and before you know it, you'll lose those years really.
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Stop Depression - Cure Depression Naturally
by Depression Treatment
We are insignificant creatures live in a vast universe on a small planet. In the long term, everything we do will probably be forgotten. ~ Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan is so specific to say. What is this life, anyway? Given the complexity and unpredictability of life, although we can not bet on anything and we can not regret or cry on any time lost. Being depressed does not help us anyway. We humans are a store house of emotions and often our losses take a heavy toll in our life and the depression that follows, finally. If you were depressed or treatment for him, do not worry about the past. You can be healed, and the situation can be improved. Just follow some simple tips on how to stop being depressed. But before doing so, take a quick look at some of the most common signs of depression.
Signs of depression
It is difficult to diagnose depression because of its psychological nature. If you have felt very weak and thoughts stirred by even small little things in your life, you could be moderately or severely depressed. Have a look at some symptoms of depression.
Most of the day, the individual is in a depressed mood. A feeling of sadness, emptiness and irritation (in adolescents and children) to their existence.
significant loss of interest in the daily routines of work. Decreased pleasure in the ordinary course of business and labor clues to something that disturbs the mind.
Significant weight loss or weight gain due to the ingestion sudden emotional or other reasons.
Lack of sleep, insomnia or hypersomnia, most days.
Fatigue and loss of energy, even after several hours. A feeling of exhaustion every day through.
Delusional guilt, sadness due to excessive loss and a feeling of uselessness
suicidal thoughts and feelings. Thinking too much about death.
concentration throughout a hard day. Lack of interest in daily activities.
Very often, unexplained back pain, headaches and weakness are considered as signs of depressed.How be natural to stop being depressed?
How to stop being depressed? Follow a few tips on natural and healthy way to combat depression naturally. You'll learn to fight against depression before reading.
permanent change is
If you want to fight against depression naturally, understanding the emotional cycle is important. Understand that sometimes you feel on top of the world, and often you can feel agitated, lost and seem completely hopeless. Emotions come and go, but you should not lose the balance of his life. Here's more information on what to do when depressed.
Positive Lifestyle
our way of life that determines our mental and physical health. To treat depression, you should focus on a healthy lifestyle for you. Go to bed early and wake up early. Spend time in a variety of physical activities like jogging, tennis, swimming, yoga and walking. Are you involved in various activities, the better for your health. Your mind will also focus on the positives in your life, if she's busy daily activities. Here are some natural remedies for depression, which can be very useful.
Spend time with family
Nothing is more healing to your family. Stand close to your family during treatment and spend quality time with your friends. Remember, when you love and share a deep connection with someone in your life, you will automatically find meaning in life. Opt for a holiday with your family from time to time, a change of environment can provide a refreshing break. Here's more on how to overcome depression.
Seeking medical advice and treatment is an important step in the treatment of depression. Do not be ashamed to discuss depression and their families. They are there to help and support you. More importantly, you must remember that everyone must go through ups and downs in life. It's just that you just were most affected by the failure or loss. Stop being depressed now and do not worry that you can bounce back easily.
Carl Sagan is so specific to say. What is this life, anyway? Given the complexity and unpredictability of life, although we can not bet on anything and we can not regret or cry on any time lost. Being depressed does not help us anyway. We humans are a store house of emotions and often our losses take a heavy toll in our life and the depression that follows, finally. If you were depressed or treatment for him, do not worry about the past. You can be healed, and the situation can be improved. Just follow some simple tips on how to stop being depressed. But before doing so, take a quick look at some of the most common signs of depression.
Signs of depression
It is difficult to diagnose depression because of its psychological nature. If you have felt very weak and thoughts stirred by even small little things in your life, you could be moderately or severely depressed. Have a look at some symptoms of depression.
Most of the day, the individual is in a depressed mood. A feeling of sadness, emptiness and irritation (in adolescents and children) to their existence.
significant loss of interest in the daily routines of work. Decreased pleasure in the ordinary course of business and labor clues to something that disturbs the mind.
Significant weight loss or weight gain due to the ingestion sudden emotional or other reasons.
Lack of sleep, insomnia or hypersomnia, most days.
Fatigue and loss of energy, even after several hours. A feeling of exhaustion every day through.
Delusional guilt, sadness due to excessive loss and a feeling of uselessness
suicidal thoughts and feelings. Thinking too much about death.
concentration throughout a hard day. Lack of interest in daily activities.
Very often, unexplained back pain, headaches and weakness are considered as signs of depressed.How be natural to stop being depressed?
How to stop being depressed? Follow a few tips on natural and healthy way to combat depression naturally. You'll learn to fight against depression before reading.
permanent change is
If you want to fight against depression naturally, understanding the emotional cycle is important. Understand that sometimes you feel on top of the world, and often you can feel agitated, lost and seem completely hopeless. Emotions come and go, but you should not lose the balance of his life. Here's more information on what to do when depressed.
Positive Lifestyle
our way of life that determines our mental and physical health. To treat depression, you should focus on a healthy lifestyle for you. Go to bed early and wake up early. Spend time in a variety of physical activities like jogging, tennis, swimming, yoga and walking. Are you involved in various activities, the better for your health. Your mind will also focus on the positives in your life, if she's busy daily activities. Here are some natural remedies for depression, which can be very useful.
Spend time with family
Nothing is more healing to your family. Stand close to your family during treatment and spend quality time with your friends. Remember, when you love and share a deep connection with someone in your life, you will automatically find meaning in life. Opt for a holiday with your family from time to time, a change of environment can provide a refreshing break. Here's more on how to overcome depression.
Seeking medical advice and treatment is an important step in the treatment of depression. Do not be ashamed to discuss depression and their families. They are there to help and support you. More importantly, you must remember that everyone must go through ups and downs in life. It's just that you just were most affected by the failure or loss. Stop being depressed now and do not worry that you can bounce back easily.
About Depression,
Cause Of Depression,
Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
Depression Effects,
Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
People With Depression,
Prevalence Of Depression
Depression Symptoms And Causes
by Depression Treatment
The brain has always been a tough world in the interest of medical science. The investigations are not yet able to fully justify because of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Some believe that depression is triggered by a shock and some say it is caused due to lack of proper vitamins and nutrients in the diet. All these theories are accepted by some and disputed by others. Well, whatever the main concept, the symptoms are the same for all chemical imbalance.
Neurotransmitters are considered responsible for the transfer of the message (generated by the brain), each cell of the body. These chemicals various neurotransmitters in the brain that have vitamins and minerals too. They have used the instructions from the brain as reflex actions, depression, happiness, etc. But once chemical equilibrium is disturbed, the brain is affected and this can lead to mental disorders. Although the causes are controversial, the symptoms can be easily realized.
The symptoms of chemical imbalance
Almost all bodily functions are regulated by the brain, therefore any type of mental disorder can be seen, even through the actions of change. Here are some of the symptoms associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain.
It is not always necessary that a person is depressed when he / she has lived a tragic incident. Depression can also be the result of a chemical imbalance that can be caused by several reasons. This can lead to disinterest in difficulty and life, loss of appetite, sadness, low self-esteem, guilt, etc. under severe conditions, a person can lead to suicide.
Anxiety shows both physical and metal. Headaches, sweating, nausea, fatigue are physical symptoms that are related to anxiety. In addition, taking unnecessary tension, worry, a lot of thoughts in my mind running simultaneously, etc. can be considered as signs of mental anguish. Any kind of phobia can occur also because it can be considered part of anxiety symptoms and could end up with excitement and difficulty breathing for no reason.
ADHD or hyperactivity disorder attention deficit
ADHD is more common in children than in adults. This can lead to inability to pay attention and impulsive behavior. Children become uncontrollable and are not able to manage. Excessive running, playing, climbing or any other kind of use of physical activity can be considered symptoms of chemical imbalance.
chemical imbalance can lead to deprivation of sleep or insomnia. Because of this imbalance, the mind is not able to relax and is in a state of continuous work, causing sleepless nights. If you manage to sleep, so you may also be unable to obtain the quality of sleep and sleepiness and restless the next day.
Alcohol addiction
To obtain good sleep and relief from pain and anxiety, some people choose to consume alcohol and drugs, they believe they can solve the problem. But the abuse of alcohol can increase your problem and may contain several complicated steps.
Bipolar disorder
This condition reflects the sudden change of mood of the person. At one point, it can be very gay and happy, but suddenly he becomes sad and depressed. This can make him unpredictable in this situation and it will be unable to judge the mood changed instantly.
Treatment chemical imbalance
If you demonstrate a positive test chemical imbalance, your doctor may advise you to go through a chemical imbalance of treatment. The best treatment for chemical imbalance is the cognitive behavioral therapy. These therapies help the person understand the problem right behind his behavior and help him recover. In addition, there are many medications that help to level up and maintaining the chemical balance. For example, depression is a low level of serotonin in the brain, therefore, taking tablets antidepressants can maintain the level of serotonin and helps the person to be in a normal state.
I hope the above article given has proved to be informative. Try to understand the chemical imbalance symptoms and consult a doctor for further treatment. Try to be happy and cheerful, it will not cost money, but being depressed can certainly fill the doctors pocket. While you will be happy to keep chemically balanced.
Neurotransmitters are considered responsible for the transfer of the message (generated by the brain), each cell of the body. These chemicals various neurotransmitters in the brain that have vitamins and minerals too. They have used the instructions from the brain as reflex actions, depression, happiness, etc. But once chemical equilibrium is disturbed, the brain is affected and this can lead to mental disorders. Although the causes are controversial, the symptoms can be easily realized.
The symptoms of chemical imbalance
Almost all bodily functions are regulated by the brain, therefore any type of mental disorder can be seen, even through the actions of change. Here are some of the symptoms associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain.
It is not always necessary that a person is depressed when he / she has lived a tragic incident. Depression can also be the result of a chemical imbalance that can be caused by several reasons. This can lead to disinterest in difficulty and life, loss of appetite, sadness, low self-esteem, guilt, etc. under severe conditions, a person can lead to suicide.
Anxiety shows both physical and metal. Headaches, sweating, nausea, fatigue are physical symptoms that are related to anxiety. In addition, taking unnecessary tension, worry, a lot of thoughts in my mind running simultaneously, etc. can be considered as signs of mental anguish. Any kind of phobia can occur also because it can be considered part of anxiety symptoms and could end up with excitement and difficulty breathing for no reason.
ADHD or hyperactivity disorder attention deficit
ADHD is more common in children than in adults. This can lead to inability to pay attention and impulsive behavior. Children become uncontrollable and are not able to manage. Excessive running, playing, climbing or any other kind of use of physical activity can be considered symptoms of chemical imbalance.
chemical imbalance can lead to deprivation of sleep or insomnia. Because of this imbalance, the mind is not able to relax and is in a state of continuous work, causing sleepless nights. If you manage to sleep, so you may also be unable to obtain the quality of sleep and sleepiness and restless the next day.
Alcohol addiction
To obtain good sleep and relief from pain and anxiety, some people choose to consume alcohol and drugs, they believe they can solve the problem. But the abuse of alcohol can increase your problem and may contain several complicated steps.
Bipolar disorder
This condition reflects the sudden change of mood of the person. At one point, it can be very gay and happy, but suddenly he becomes sad and depressed. This can make him unpredictable in this situation and it will be unable to judge the mood changed instantly.
Treatment chemical imbalance
If you demonstrate a positive test chemical imbalance, your doctor may advise you to go through a chemical imbalance of treatment. The best treatment for chemical imbalance is the cognitive behavioral therapy. These therapies help the person understand the problem right behind his behavior and help him recover. In addition, there are many medications that help to level up and maintaining the chemical balance. For example, depression is a low level of serotonin in the brain, therefore, taking tablets antidepressants can maintain the level of serotonin and helps the person to be in a normal state.
I hope the above article given has proved to be informative. Try to understand the chemical imbalance symptoms and consult a doctor for further treatment. Try to be happy and cheerful, it will not cost money, but being depressed can certainly fill the doctors pocket. While you will be happy to keep chemically balanced.
About Depression,
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Depressed People,
Depression Cause,
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Depression Stories,
Double Depression,
Effects Of Depression,
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